Wednesday, February 27, 2013

"Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

John Adams, second president of the United States of America (1735–1826)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Remain Vigilant

J.A. Matteson

Pilgrims of the LORD are a peculiar people for they do not walk as the world walks. "You shall not follow the customs of the nation which I will drive out before you, for they did all theses things, and therefore I have abhorred them" (Lev.20:23). That which is esteemed by the world is detestable to the LORD. An inverse relationship exists between the world system and the kingdom of God and pilgrims must remain vigilant so as not to defile themselves by engaging in the behavior of the culture. That which one puts his hand to or observes with the eye or listens to with the ear or tastes with the mouth or pursues with the feet, all may be a snare, a sticky web of entanglement whereby sin catches its prey. But the LORD has not abandoned His people to walk in solitude, He is near, and pilgrims enjoy the distinct privilege of abiding with Him who is able to keep them from stumbling. It is only through abiding that victorious living is realized. Every day and in manifold settings sin is offered by the world as excitement and gain. Yet it yields the bitter fruit of regret and dismay. Draw close to Him and He will draw close to you. Commit you way to Him and He will direct your path. Defer to Him and He will provide righteous counsel. The LORD will be with you and the world will take note that you walk to a different Master. Some will inquire with interest while others will reject you with contempt. Rejoice when you suffer in righteousness knowing your praise is from God and not men.

Copyright (c) 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("...the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8)

Friday, February 8, 2013

Face to Face

J.A. Matteson

Love is characterized by preference, presence, and promises. "I will dwell among the sons of Israel and will be their God" (Ex. 29:45). Love is by nature volitional, voluntary, it cannot be commanded..."I will...." Love is preferential by nature in selecting from the population the object of its affection..."the sons of Israel....". Love earnestly desires the presence of its object..."dwell among....". Love's intent is for the welfare of its object through promises..."will be their God." Tender and precious is this statement by the LORD to the children of Israel. The love expressed then by the LORD for His people has by no means diminished. In the present hour the LORD is performing an astounding work, as He continues to build His Church. Precious to the LORD is His Bride and jealous is He for her affections. He favors His children over all others on the earth, desiring their presence, faithfully bringing to pass His wonderful promises concerning them. Rejoicing in His intimate presence pilgrims of the LORD endure trials and hardship, for the indwelling Spirit of the living God is their portion. Inexpressible is their desire for that Day when they shall gaze face to face into eternity and behold their Redeemer. Divine love extended is returned to its Author, that in all things He may receive all the glory. To the praise of His holy name.

Copyright (c) 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("...the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8)

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Marvelous Deliverance

J.A. Matteson

Servants of the LORD enjoy a particular covering and favor established by God for His glory and their welfare. "...the LORD makes a distinction between Egypt and Israel" (Ex. 11:7). Names have significance in Scripture and Egypt means "temple of the soul of Ptah", the creative god associated with Memphis, the ancient city of Egypt. Israel means "he that striveth with God", and is the name extended to Jacob and his descendants. As the name implies the people of Egypt offer homage to a false deity who neither sees, hears or speaks. Israel describes a people who know and walk with the living God....who strive with Him, not against Him. For further clarification regarding this unique people the apostle Paul makes the distinction that not all Israel is Israel, beyond the nation state there is a spiritual Israel; that is, those spiritually redeemed who are effectually called and regenerated by the Spirit unto salvation. In the case of the exodus it was the nation state which received deliverance or salvation from Pharaoh's cruel bondage. The exodus is a picture of the spiritual release from bondage Christ accomplished for His people. They could not free themselves, but were set free by a power beyond themselves. Further, it was God who initiated the plan of salvation, Jacob's descendants were passive recipients of divine favor. It is into this marvelous deliverance from bondage to sin and its consequence of death, physically and spiritually, that the servants of the living God sing Halleljuah to the Lamb!

Copyright (c) 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("...the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8)

Friday, February 1, 2013

The Test

J.A. Matteson

Regard delay with joy as it is the test of the LORD to develop your faith. Instant gratification requires no faith, divine delay produces its desired result, your sanctification. "He named the place Massah and Meribah because of the quarrel or the sons of Israel, and because they tested the LORD, saying, 'Is the LORD among us, or not?'" (Ex. 17:7). It is the devils work to whisper, as he did in the garden, "Indeed, has God said...?" God has spoken and cannot lie. The test is whether you will believe Him in what He has promised. Beware of perceiving circumstances as the end of a matter; truth is not defined by circumstances but by the word of the LORD. Consider providences that delay the promise as His gift to you in order to bring you into a closer union with Him; He is tenderly teaching you His faithfulness and what it means to walk by faith and not by sight. He has promised to lead you, to go before you, to a good land flowing with milk and honey. Jesus has gone before you and is preparing a place for you and will return again for you. The pilgrims path is arid, narrow, and difficult. Beware of voices who in unbelief bid you to return to egypt, to the house of slavery. Pretenders follow only for a season and heed demonic cries of doubt, returning to bondage as a dog returns to its vomit. The LORD has promised and will not fail. Disregard the appearance of adverse circumstances and stay the course of faith like Job, who confessed, though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.

Copyright (c) 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("...the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8)