J.A. Matteson
How may we know our path is acceptable and pleasing to the LORD? "Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life" (Prv. 4:23). Listen to the words from your mouth, do they dispense blessing or bitterness? Inspect the meditations of your heart, are they inclinations of trust in God or doubt? From the heart we may examine the the condition of our soul, all pretense is gone before the eyes of Him with whom we will give an account. The word of God reveals the state of the inner man. Confronted with sin he either confesses it and repents or hardens his heart by turning away to his own harm. Goodness, thankfulness, hope, mercy, faith, truth, gentleness, these are the things which spring forth from the wellspring of a heart dwelling in the shadow of the Almighty. The presence of the antithesis of these things indicates we have wandered from the straight and narrow way of life. Forsake the way of death and return to the path of life. Humble yourself before the mighty king of glory and He will lift you up and establish you as a firmly planted tree beside refreshing waters, whose leaf shall never wither and whose fruit will forever endure.
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