J.A. Matteson
"If you are reviled for the name of Christ, you are blessed because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you." 1 Peter 4:14
The Christ of Scripture publically confronted unbelief, condemned religious hypocrisy, characterized the present generation with forceful adjectives such as adulterous, evil, sinful, perverted, and wicked, all with a view toward reconciliation. The Lamb of God came into the world speaking spiritual truth, seeking that which was lost. And unlike some in the present time that suggest He came to enter into a “conversation” with His opponents—to find common ground, Scripture reveals the Son of God directly condemning unbelief and spiritual error.
The issue of spiritual life or death comes down to a simple pass/fail test, “that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Rom. 10:9). The Savior was reviled because He testified that the world’s deeds were evil. He came to His own and His own rejected Him. Darkness prefers hidden places, cloistered recesses in secret, and like a serpent under a rock can violently strike when exposed by the light of truth. Saints will experience reviling for the name of Jesus Christ, “all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” (2 Tim. 3:12).
Pilgrims, like their Savior, engage the culture, confront spiritual darkness, expose sin, call for repentance, and exhibit zeal for the living word of the Lord. The Church in the industrialized west has allowed herself to be relegated by the culture to a reservation: her meeting places. Increasingly barred from public is the Gospel, and the Church has accommodated public sentiment by merely preaching to its own each Lord’s Day. The world has effectively dictated to the Church, “You can have your Jesus, your Scriptures, your Gospel, and your manner of living, just keep them within the confines of the reservation we have assigned to you and we will all live in peace.” And the Church by its silence and fear of man has agreed as the world becomes more sinful by the day.
By comparison how did the early Church respond to threats if it did not cease from preaching the name of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God? Did not the Apostles and disciples joyfully endure suffering for the name of Jesus Christ? What about pilgrims in church history, did they not suffer for their unrelenting preaching and steadfast resolve? The writer to the Hebrews informs the saints in every generation that there is a great cloud of witnesses watching them, serving as an example of perseverance, encouraging and admonishing each generation to run its course with endurance, to win the prize.
Could it be the Church in the west has lost her nerve, fearing man over God, while growing spiritually soft as a result of material wealth and prosperity? In developing nations the Church is undergoing sever suffering as she has not been confined to the reservation, and she is enduring magnificently to the praise and glory of God. But in the developed nations of west the Church has for the most part become a caricature of her former glory. Is there a tipping point when the Church in the west will take a bold stand and declare, “We must obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29), and move off the reservation?
There is a cost to obedience to the Lord, many will be publically reviled and humiliated, many will loose their employment, still others will be incarcerated for “hate speech”, while some will be physically beaten and others killed. And to all these things how does the Apostle respond?, “If you are reviled for the name of Christ, you are blessed because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.” Pilgrim, the time is now and the choice is yours, will you remain on the reservation of intimidation and insignificance, or will you courageously take your stand and walk into the public square of discourse, unashamed of the Gospel, bearing your cross and the Name above all names? Consider Him who called you and to that which you have been called, life is not a dress rehearsal, fear God and not men.
Copyright 2009 Immutable Word Ministries ("...the word of our God stands forever" Isaiah 40:8)
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