J.A. Matteson
"Consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy, for I am the LORD your God." Leviticus 20:7
As a pilgrim you are an ordinary individual, but one who has been miraculously translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light, a soul that by grace has been regenerated and converted to life in the Beloved. Instantaneously you received an imputed righteous—a righteousness not your own—by means of the atonement, and are now positionally justified by grace through faith in Christ.
Infused with a new nature by the Holy Spirit the Lord has set you free from the fetters of bondage to sin and death, although practically you must learn to walk in that freedom by struggling against the latent desires of the flesh, characterized by improper thoughts, words, and deeds. Like Israel occupying a new land you are a sojourner and the Lord calls you to abstain from the wicked practices of the pagan people who dwell among you.
You are foreigner in the land, your citizenship being in heaven, and while you sojourn you are not to be swayed into worshipping the gods recognized by the peoples around you; indeed, some that you personally may have adored before your life in Christ. You are now called to be as salt and light to a fallen world. While separate in conduct and devotion you do not have the option of physically withdrawing out of the world as the monastics, for to do so would nullify your influence as an ambassador of Christ to the nations.
The gods of the people around you today are essentially the same as those of old, although their form and names may have changed; predictably they grow in the depraved soil of minds hostile to the Lord, those in rebellion against the Lord of Hosts, dedicated to the pursuit of power over others through position; fame rooted in a vain search for significance in the eyes of others also living under the sun; sensual depravity as a result of a debased mind evidenced by a pornographic and homosexual culture, one that deceives the simple by championing and parading indecent acts as an expression of enlightened personal liberty, when bondage to sin remains the genuine outcome; and an insatiable pursuit for worldly wealth whereby its adherents pit themselves against each other in the hope of its attainment, biting and clawing their way to the top of the heap.
Pilgrim, these types of pursuits occupy the attention and fan the flames of passion among those who do not know God, but they are to have no place in your heart. Flee from them at once, run for your life when they subtlety and seductively seek to take hold of you, cleverly appealing to the old man within. Like Joseph make up your mind before the test comes that you will not willingly sin against God, when the test comes run for your life, flee immediately…right now, get going, do not tarry and thus be deceived in to thinking you are able to remain and calmly consider the merits or faults of the proposition offered, rather get out of there now, leave your garment and exit in haste, “She caught him by his garment, saying, ‘Lie with me!’ And he left his garment in her hand and fled, and went outside” (Gen. 39:12).
Beloved, spiritual syncretism is seductively subtle, able to slowly trap you in its web of lies if you remain ignorant of its intent and abilities, until one day you come to your senses only to grieve as to just how far off course you have traveled in your sojourning, and like Bunyan’s Pilgrim you find yourself backtracking a good distance, dismayed at how easily you were duped while vowing never again to be taken in by the prince of darkness.
Consider the Apostles warning, “But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust” (Jas. 1:14). The innate lust of the flesh remains within you and you must daily mortify its desires which wage war against the Spirit. Prevailing soldiers know the tactics of their enemy and have taken a sober assessment of their weakness before engaging their opponent. Offer to the Lord your points of weakness before the battle and He will enable you to stand on that day victorious just as Joseph on that day stood victorious as an ambassador of Christ.
Copyright (c) 2009 Immutable Word Ministries ("...the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).
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