J.A. Matteson
A great lamentation is heard across the land; evil prospers. "When the righteous increase, the people rejoice; but when a wicked man rules, the people groan" (Prov. 29:2). The hand of tyranny knows many faces, and the foundation of freedom is the right to be left alone. The LORD hears the cry of His people from heaven. Where is righteousness and why do the wicked prosper? How is it men of deceitful intent flourish? The LORD of Hosts with a mighty hand delivers His people, He is their trust and bulwark. The wicked look to idols and feeble men for salvation; the righteous to the God of heaven and earth. Seek the LORD while He may be found; humble your heart before I Am and He will lift you up; denounce every wicked way and implore His great mercy. Then perhaps the graciousness of the LORD will shine upon you and give you peace. Deliver Your people, O LORD, our hope and salvation. The LORD is good and His lovingkindness endures forever. The wicked wither and perish, but the Word of our God endures from generation to generation. Trust not in the implements of men; consider Him who spoke worlds into existence. With a mighty hand He delivers His people who put their trust in Him. Praise the LORD!
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