Thursday, October 30, 2014

Unstable Souls

J.A. Matteson

With great charity and grace leaders in the church are to bear with and correct those who oppose sound doctrine, to the extent that their opposition is of ignorance accompanied with a teachable spirit. By contrast those opposed to sound doctrine with a strong spiritual undercurrent of malice are to avoided. "Be on guard against him yourself, for he vigorously opposed our teaching" (2 Tim. 4:15). These are tares amidst the wheat, self condemned, heaping up for themselves judgement in the day of God's wrath. Blind and deaf to spiritual truth they are unstable souls, forever learning but never coming to the truth which is the Word of God preserved in Scripture. Pulling together their spiritual understandings from every corner of human wisdom they are tossed to and fro, ships in the harbor without anchor drifting about, unsettled souls who agitate the peace of others by the heresies they confidentiality proclaim as divine truth. Undisciplined, unrepentant, unwilling to submit to sound doctrine they viciously undermine the tireless work of God's workers in sewing, watering, and reaping the word of life. Therefore, take note of them, mark them, avoid them, as they were appointed for the just retribution to be delivered upon the unjust according to the righteous fury of the LORD.

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