J.A. Matteson
Forget about supernatural intervention to deliver you from the lusts of the flesh, God has given you a mind and a will to choose the right. "But Daniel made up his mind that he would not defile himself ...." (Dan. 1:8). God will not do for us what He has empowered us to do for ourselves. Daniel knew the right and soberly determined to pay any price to be pleasing to God, rather than yield to that which he determined to profane His name. Joseph made up his mind before Potiphar's wife seduced him to lie with her, that he would not perform such wickedness. Peter, knowing that disobedience before the high priest and council would invoke their wrath, made up his mind that imprisonment or death was a small price to pay rather than deny the One by who's name he had been forgiven and given eternal life. Temptation to sin greet every believer at the start of each day. God has given you a will to choose the right; use it. Consider those sins into which you become so easily entangled. Are you tired of asking for forgiveness for the same things for which you are now ashamed? Make up your mind this day not to give an inch of ground to the flesh, the world, and the devil. In doing this you will be surprised how God delights strengthening you inwardly in response to your obedience; but He will not hold you up until you resolve to stand. Then when temptation arrives it will not catch you unawares and, having expected it, you will stare it in the face, endowed with the full armor of God, and resolutely proclaim, "No!"
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