Thursday, January 1, 2015

Let Us Resolve

J.A. Matteson

In the new year may we resolve to be deeper students of God, daily reading His word and applying its truth so that it may transform our thinking and priorities; be better stewards of the body God has given us, for the soul cannot do what the body is unable to do; be more empathetic to people who are difficult to be around, we are often unaware of the hurt and pain that shapes a persons character; be eager to listen rather than speak, respecting another's point of view; be vigilant to extend kindness through good deeds to those less fortunate, mercy is no respecter of persons; be quick to forgive, as in Christ we have been forgiven far more; be ready to laugh and sing, for the day of mourning will certainly arrive; be in the moment in our relationships and cherish them, for you don't know what your life will be tomorrow; be grateful for your lot, as there is someone else who's circumstances are worse; be circumspect to inventory your blessings, they far outweigh hardships; be closer to Jesus Christ through prayer, for to be like Him you must be with Him; be childlike in faith, we come to know Him by trust first, reason tempts the Lord to prove Himself so that we may follow; be diligent to intercede for the lost who, apart from the grace of God awakening them to their need for Christ, most certainly face the unfathomable horrors of eternity in hell for rejecting God's forgiveness through His Son Jesus Christ.

Copyright 2015 Immutable Word Ministries ("...the word of our God stands forever.") Isa. 40:8