J.A. Matteson
The inward condition of our heart is manifest by the outward display of our deeds. "And when Jesus saw their faith...." (Mk. 2:5). As the writer to the Hebrews noted, "Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen" (Heb. 11:1). Saving faith compels the soul in desperation to pursue its object, namely, Jesus Christ. Saving faith disregards social norms and is happy to undergo scorn and humiliation before men if it means being in the presence of the Savior. Blessed is the soul that hungers to be in the presence of Jesus, for he will be satisfied. Blessed is the soul that is convinced Jesus will cleanse his sinful heart, forgiving his sin, for he will find rest. Blessed is the person who is a fool for Jesus, living for the approval of God and not man, for he will walk with God. Beloved, the ache within your heart to pursue Jesus in desperation is by grace and is the gift of salvation. Your desperate acts to come to Jesus may not be understood by the world, they may even be ridiculed, but they are precious to the Savior of your soul. Cast off, therefore, the restraints that hinder you, allow your desperation to be seen by men, and thereby glorify your Father in heaven.
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