Sunday, January 1, 2012

To Be and To Do

J.A. Matteson
(daily devotional)

"In the beginning God created...." (Gen. 1:1).

On what basis? "...because of Your will they existed and were created" (Rev. 4:11).

To what end? " that in all things God may be glorified" (1 Pet. 4:11).

By what means? "For by Him [Christ] all things were created....all things have been created through Him and for Him" (Col. 1:16).

What then? That God's sovereign ordination is working through all things in such a way that He is glorified. Through evil by the execution of His justice. Through righteousness by the exaltation of His Son. Through His saints that minister to Him as instruments of reconciliation...."For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them" (Eph. 2:10).

By grace the Lord has granted a new year filled with fresh opportunities to glorify His name through the good works He has prepared. By faith may we take hold of each moment as the precious gift that it is to be and to do all things for the glory of God. For it is to this end that we were created. Amen!

Copyright (c) 2012 Immutable Word Ministries ("...the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).