Friday, May 25, 2012

Divine Judgment

J.A. Matteson

"...God gave them over to degrading passions...." (Rom. 1:26). The judgment of God often takes the form of a release from His protective grace. Most sinners do not exercise the evil they are capable of. The restraining influences of conscience and Gods grace hold them in check. However, if sinners continue long enough in rebellion against Gods moral law He may release His hand of restraining grace and in judgment allow them to go their own way and suffer the consequences. That is a frightening prospect, for it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Many saints today in the USA ponder with honor the increasing levels of degrading passions in the culture, often flaunted publicly as expressions of personal liberty. The trend of cultural degradation is speeding up. Historically, no society has long endured when all moral restraints are abandoned. The Church need not squint into the future in anticipation of divine judgment, for the rapid descent of the culture is an indication of His judgment in action. Repentance begins with the household of God. May His people, called by His name, humble themselves and pray, and turn from sin. Then, perhaps, He will heal our land.

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