J.A. Matteson
As Forest Gump famously concluded, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get." To follow the analogy, some pieces delight while others disappoint. This much is certain, some life experiences delight while others disappoint. Yet the pilgrim of the LORD may also be certain of this, "For the Scripture says, 'Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed'" (Rom. 10:11). Everything on this earth has the potential to disappoint, and some people, through repeated disappointments, develop a hard heart, becoming jaded in their outlook. As Farm Boy cynically concluded in The Princes Bride, "Life is pain. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something." Suffering is no discriminator of persons, hardship visits both pagan and Christian alike. The antidote to disappointment is ones perspective. If we contemplate our adverse circumstances from earth upward we are bound to experience disappointment. But, if we cultivate a heart of wisdom by considering our circumstances with a different perspective, one from heaven down, we can rejoice knowing that in all things God is working to accomplish good in the lives of those who love Him, who are called according to His purposes. In this regard those who place their trust in Christ will not wallow in disappointment for the grace of God will bring to their remembrance His love for them in all things. Soli deo Gloria!
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