J.A. Matteson
Even the inexperienced can sail a boat on calm water and may be credited with skill they lack. The true measure of proficiency is only revealed in high seas. The goodness of God tests and refines character through the high seas of affliction, "Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction" (Isaiah 48:10). The essence of affliction is the same whether purposed as pruning or chastening, the former not of sin, the latter of sin. Pruning is the gift of God to His children that they may yield more fruit to the praise of His glory. Chastening is the gift of God to correct erring children and reestablish them to the path of righteousness. Delightful to the LORD are the earnest supplications of His children in the midst of affliction. For the fruit of sin is stiff necked independence, while the fruit of the Spirit is dependence upon Christ. The Lord is not capricious that He should send affliction without purpose. Inquire of the Lord and He will reveal the purpose of affliction whether it is of pruning of chastening. In all things giving praise to His glorious name.
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