Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Trust in the Lord

J.A. Matteson

Misguided alliances sadden the heart; and trust misplaced is bitter to the soul. "My soul, wait in silence for God only, for my hope is from Him" (Ps. 62:5). As the sovereign, God has so ordered creation that glory, honor, power, and hope are expressions of His Person. God is both the expression and object of hope. All created things are temporal and imperfect. Hoping in the perishable ends in despair, for that which is perishable cannot supply hope eternal. The inclination of fallen man is to trust it creation rather than God. A jaded cynicism often characterizes the soul that has experienced repeated disappointment by hoping in creation rather than God. Those who trust in the LORD will never be disappointed and they will rise on the dawn with joy in the expectancy of His grace. In all situations, in every activity, in each relationship trust in the LORD of creation, for He is LORD of all, the eternal sovereign in whom your hope is rightly placed.

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