J.A. Matteson
The charismatic personality of a government leader with evil intent may corrupt the sensibilities of otherwise rational people. "But they [Nation of Israel] did not listen [to the warnings of the prophets], and Manasseh seduced them to do evil more than the nations whom the LORD destroyed before the sons of Israel" (2 Kings 21:9). In this regard history repeats itself from generation to generation, from nation to nation. When a people become numb in soul to performing evil, declaring good evil and evil good, God's judgement follows. Woe to the sentinels of righteousness who stand firm in declaring the moral standards of the LORD in the midst of a perverse people, for as rabid dogs men of depraved mind turn and tear them to shreds. Practitioners of wickedness work in dark places, detesting the Light and those who wield it, and with all their might they endeavor to conceal it. The mercy and compassion of the LORD will not forget Jacob nor His inheritance. It is the kindness of the LORD that leads His people to repentance to the praise and glory of His wonderful name.
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