J.A. Matteson
Few occasions more prominently contrast the sovereign activity of the Spirit than familial relationships where certain members have received transformative grace while others remain in darkness; "for from now on five members in one household will be divided, three against two and two against three" (Luke 12:52). Evidence of the authenticity of the Spirit's work in the soul is a resolute commitment to the Christ who calls at the expense of being accepted by members who reject the gospel. Marginalization from the family ethos and estrangement accompany disciples; it is their lot as they are perpetually challenged to deny their foolishness and denounce Christ to once again gain full acceptance into the family fold. But this they will not and cannot do, for His seed remains in them, and they would willingly die a thousand deaths than deny the Savior of their soul who raised them from spiritual death. And so it is with a heavy heart they stand fast as sentinels of grace and light before members in darkness, continually interceding on their behalf that the light of the gospel might pierce through the darkness and they be saved.
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