Friday, October 26, 2012

By Grace

J. A. Matteson

Every religious system on earth seeks so merit a righteous standing before its deity(s) through an appeasement of good works. Christianity is unique in this regard, ascribing an imputed righteousness to the transgressor, not on the basis of works, but by grace through faith in Jesus Christ who God put forth as a propitiation for sin. "But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed...." (Rom. 3:21). The righteousness to which the apostle speaks is not that by which God is righteous, but that righteousness He freely makes available to us who don't have it. The person who thinks they can keep the law fail to grasp its demands. For keeping the law in deed precedes from the heart and the heart of fallen sinners is opposed to the law. The thoughts and intent proceeding from the heart of sinners self-validate the laws indictment that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Helpless and hopeless are transgressors of the law who's will is in bondage to sin and death. But praise be to God who by grace raises the dead and brings into existence that which did not exist; namely, faith.

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