Friday, December 28, 2012

It Is Sufficient

J.A. Matteson

What manner of care has consumed you? Have you not heard, are you unaware, do you travail of soul in solitude? Behold, the everlasting One who's going forth from time and times time is near. "Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden, the God who is our salvation" (Ps. 68:19). Why so sorrowful, O my soul, the Lord of mercies is here. As many waters behind a dam, a breach appears and they follow their natural course, meandering within the banks of their habitation. That which was barren is satisfied, and the dry places are relieved. Light shines in dark places and consumes their secrets; stillness and peace envelope the soul who's refuge is the LORD Almighty. Questions remain unanswered, their secrets known only to God. It is sufficient and right to entrust their mysteries to Him Who is righteous and just, merciful and altogether good. All understanding is partial, and that which is known is provisional. Salvation is of the LORD and its burdens are His. Rejoice in God's goodness and grace, be thankful and find your rest in Him. For He cares for you and bids you come to lay your burden at His feet. Seasons change and the green leaf turns amber. The sun dims and the sound of the raven fades. Morning comes and with it newness of life and possibilities. Rejoice in the warmth of its sun as you walk its path in fellowship with the Son of glory.

Copyright (c) 2012 Immutable Word Ministries ("...the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).