J.A. Matteson
Fallen sinners go to extraordinary lengths in an effort to sooth their guilty conscience of sin. "...they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loin coverings" (Gen. 3:7). Rationalization is chosen as the preferred method to one, while denial fits the dictates of another. Justification appeals to still another, and acquiescence finds its place to others. Try as they may none of the manifold efforts of sinners can reestablish righteousness before God. All such striving is vanity. Confronted by their Maker over their sin the man and woman forgo their hopeless efforts of self-restoration before God and by faith accept His covering of their transgression through the substitutionary death of an innocent creature. Whereas the first Adam failed in righteousness the second Adam, Jesus Christ, perfectly fulfilled the Law of God on behalf of His people, covering their transgressions by the blood of His own body. The covering for sin offered by God in Christ is appropriated by faith. Blessed is the sinner who exchanges his fig leaf, in whatever form it may take, for the covering offered by God in Jesus Christ, who is our justification, righteousness and hope.
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