J.A. Matteson
Whatsoever comes to pass is under the sovereign governance of God. Terror strikes the heart, uncertainty washes over the mind as a wave, distress is as an unwelcome companion, dread consumes confidence as locusts the ripened crop. "Do not hide Your face from me in the day of my distress; incline Your ear to me; in the day when I call answer me quickly" (Ps. 102:2). Distress is not without its purpose and the LORD engineers providences to sanctify the hearts of His people that they may be as refined silver and pure gold. Lucifer whispers to the soul, "Has God said...?" Pride seduces the mind, "I can handle this!" A conflicted heart reveals unbelief in the goodness of God. Reckon your circumstances spiritually by considering how they foster your dependence upon God, as that is their design. Vestiges of independence are as a malignancy, and apart from grace, are fatal. God's mercy eradicates them, bringing the soul at rest, and rest is His promise and gift to all who abide in Him. To the praise of His glorious name.
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