J.A. Matteson
As certain as the sunrise in the east are the consequences of a heart at enmity toward God. The wheels of divine justice may turn slow, but the outcome of their movement is observable. "Jeroboam did not again recover strength in the days of Abijiah; and the LORD struck him and he died" (2 Chr. 13:20). The times and seasons of a mans life belong to the LORD and the heart of man is answerable to Him with whom he has to do. Yet from beginning to end the LORD has so arranged the affairs of providence that His servant is often unable to understand His ways, for the just fall with the unjust and the righteous succumb to the evil intent of wicked men. That which serves the good purpose of His will is often not disclosed to His servants, remaining cloaked in the secret council of His will. The servant of the LORD yields his quest for understanding to the supremacy of knowing He is good and is preparing a place for him in glory and that the cause of righteous ness and justice will forever reign. Glory and honor and majesty clothe the King eternal who was and is and is to come and into Whose hands His servants rest.
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