J.A. Matteson
The deceitfulness of sin is arrogance and the pride of life ends in destruction. "'Terror, pit and snare are coming upon you, O inhabitant of Moab," declares the LORD" (Jer. 48:43). Woe to the one who exalts himself in his deluded mind above the LORD of heaven and earth, concluding in his mind his position is of his own doing and that he is secure in his person. Wrath, once released, is as a tumult of water in a breached dam, pouring forth in destruction until fully exhausted; there is no escape. Men of corrupt mind continue in their courses of wickedness, and they erroneously conclude the LORD does not see or is impotent. In a moment justice springs forth and righteousness exerts herself, silencing foolish lips, causing the mighty to tremble. Long-suffering is the LORD Almighty and great is His compassion. Grant, O LORD, your people a heart of wisdom to be and to do all that is pleasing in your sight, to confess You before men as the only God of heaven and earth, and to whom every person must give an account. Blessed is the name of the LORD, exalted is the Lord Jesus Christ, who was and is and is to come.
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