Monday, August 19, 2013

Practical Atheism

J.A. Matteson

Beware of confusing giftedness as the prime causation of events deemed favorable. The nuanced distinction and relationship between effort and divine sovereignty is essential to avoiding the trap of practical atheism. "But they will be held guilty, whose strength is their god" (Hab. 1:11). Results and fruit may be outwardly perceived as indistinguishable, yet one is spiritual and the other carnal. Awareness and acknowledgement of the source of strength is wisdom, and by abiding in the vine the branch produces fruit to the glory of the Father, through the redemption of His Son, in the power of the Spirit. Apart from the vine the branch produces nothing of eternal value, deluding itself in its temporal accomplishments as a result of strength and giftedness. And the greater the grace of giftedness the greater the potential correlation of self-idolatry. In all things pleasant give glory to God. In every accomplishment praise the Lord Jesus Christ who gives you the strength to prosper. Diligence is good and right, but the favorable outcome is due to grace and not the gift, and to distinguish the difference preserves a soul from experiencing many sorrows.

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