Thursday, September 26, 2013

By the Power of Christ

J.A. Matteson

Conversion is not without behavioral transformation, and its fruit is sourced in Christ Jesus who died for your justification and was raised that you might walk in newness of life. "Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires" (Gal. 5:24). When you were converted to Christ you could no longer continue in your former state of iniquity, for you became a new creation in Christ Jesus. And this transformation was not of your doing, but by divine initiative you are redeemed. As a leopard cannot change his spots, neither can an unregenerate man fundamentally alter his sinful nature, for he does not even desire to do so. When you responded to the call of Christ you slowly became aware that your former base desires had been replaced with a desire for holiness. Whereas before your conversion you delighted in satisfying the cravings of the sinful nature, you now are deeply grieved by those things which formerly brought you great satisfaction. Striving daily to mortify the flesh with its sinful desires is both the assurance of adoption and burden of kingdom life. Christ satisfied on the cross your sin debt and by grace His Spirit is operative within you, incrementally conforming you to His image. Painfully slow at times is the noticeable transformation of sanctification to the child of God, who is always mindful of sinful inclinations and distressed by them; rejoice in this for it bears witness that you belong to Christ. And lest you become discouraged beyond measure, recall that the battle has been won, being settled at Calvary. And the life that you now live in the flesh you live by the power of God to the glory of God. He who called you is faithful and will bring to completion that which He started in you. To the praise of His glorious name.

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