Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Make Up Your Mind Now

J.A. Matteson

Decide now whether you believe obedience is better than sacrifice. "But Daniel made up his mind that he would not defile himself..." (Dan. 1:8). Providence will lay in your lap a stark choice, and unless you determine before the thing happens to pursue obedience you will be carried away by it. Do not fool yourself into thinking that on the fly you will make the right choice, for the heart is deceitful; Peter learned that lesson when the rooster crowed. Make up your mind now while in the safety of the calm waters of the harbor; for once at sea the waves will toss you about every which way. The test comes suddenly and there you find yourself in an instant on the ropes. To obey may likely mean danger and rejection by men, but approval by God. To disobey delivers the appearance of relief, but soon will yield the bitter fruit of acquiescence. Let the bedrock of a Christ centered life of principle inform your decision making. Then suddenly when providence delivers the test, like Daniel, you will find approval with God.

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