Saturday, November 30, 2013

Compelled by the Spirit

J.A. Matteson

Never do saints err more than when they attempt to advise the LORD in spiritual matters by devising their own means to His kingdom ends. In so doing they generally put their hand to the wrong thing in the wrong time and in the wrong way. The Lord is working out His redemptive purposes all around you. When He chooses to include you in what He is doing you will know. "The hand of the LORD was upon me, and He brought me out...." (Ezk. 37:1). The apostle Paul was constrained by the love of Christ to preach the gospel to the Gentiles, "Woe is me if I do not preach" (1 Cor. 9:16). Peter was compelled by the Spirit to travel to the house of Cornelius to preach Christ crucified (Acts 10:20). John the Baptist was led by the Spirit into the wilderness and throngs flocked to hear of the baptism of repentance from dead works (Mk. 1:4). The LORD chose to establish a nation of His own possession and called Abram out from Ur of the Chaldeans (Gen. 12:1). When your God assignment comes it will be unmistakable. His hand will be upon you and you will be constrained to a particular course of action. As with Nehemiah the shrill threatening voices of Sanballat and Tobiah will not deter you from the LORD's call (Neh. 2:19). The duty of saints is to remain pliable and willing to obey the LORD in whatever He may call you to. Be prayerful, humble, ready and seeking. His plans always come in the fullness of His time and not yours.

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