J.A. Matteson
To spurn God's free gift of forgiveness in Christ invokes His eternal wrath. "For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins" (Heb. 10:26). Saints sin, and yet they have an Advocate, the Lord Jesus Christ, who intercedes for them when they confess their sin. In view here is the sin of unbelief, not the daily stumbling of imperfect souls grieved by sin. To confess Christ and later retract that confession places the soul in grave peril. There is nowhere else to turn for pardon, the old covenant sacrificial system being abolished in Christ; the fearful assurance of damnation is sealed. Who are these souls to which the writer refers? They are those of the false circumcision, not having received the washing of the word and the Spirit of promise, impostors, tears among the wheat of God's harvest. For a little while they spring forth, appearing radiant, but when difficulty and persecution come in response to the word and the name of Christ they fall away, preferring the praise of men over God. Saints are of the true circumcision, that of the heart, recipients of grace resulting in regeneration. These persevere in the face of persecution to the saving of the soul, refusing to deny Him who did not deny them. And He who promised is faithful, completing in them what He promised. With great joy saints rest assured that the same power that awakened them to Christ is able to keep them in Christ. They have ceased from working, finding and enjoying their rest in Him now and for eternity.
Copyright © Immutable Word Ministries 2013 ("…the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).