J.A. Matteson
When God's word is presented clearly, or accurately, it is always accompanied with divine resurrection power, bringing to life that which was dead. "...they were amazed at His teaching, for His message was with authority" (Lk. 4:32). Authority, power, influence, these words encapsulate the sense of what Luke is expressing in the effect of Jesus' teaching upon His hearers. And that Spirit infused authority is also available to His servants who faithfully proclaim His gospel, rightly dividing the word of truth. The Apostle Paul eludes to the same type of effect upon the Corinthian believers (1 Cor. 2:4). Not surprisingly the effect of sound biblical preaching was announced by Jesus during His earthly ministry (Jn. 16:8). The reason that power is absent in most pulpits today is because the authority of God's word (Bible) has been replaced by the opinion and conjecture of men. Entertainment of the goats has superceded the enlightenment of the sheep because of unbelief in the power and sufficiency of the word of God to redeem and sanctify souls. This is a grave sin. The great revivals of old were rooted in sound biblical exposition, an earnest fidelity to Law and Gospel. The authority and power of God's word is eternal, immutable. Repentance of unbelief in its sufficiency and obedience to its message will yield a fresh unleashing of its power, the effect of which will be the revival of God's church to reach the lost for Jesus Christ.
Copyright © 2014 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever). Isa. 40:8
Friday, March 28, 2014
Monday, March 17, 2014
A Higher Law
J.A. Matteson
The practices of unrighteousness that characterize a persons life invite the wrath of God. "...neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God" (1 Cor. 6:9-10). When the light of God's people dims unrighteousness abounds unrestrained. As children of the light, fear of reprisal and retribution by those engaging in unrighteousness, must not govern our duty in proclaiming the kingdom of God and His righteousness. It is to be performed in humble love of our neighbor. At one time we too were lost in sin and the wrath of God was upon us, even as the rest. Then the message of the gospel penetrated our hearts, having been delivered faithfully by one of God's servants, and we were brought to conviction and repentance. Ezekiel was commissioned by God to proclaim His truth, whether people listened or not (Ezk. 2:5-7). John the Baptist in like manner boldly informed king Herod that his adulterous affair with his brothers wife was "not lawful" (Mk. 6:18). Friendship with the world and its cultural norms, through our silence, consigns sinners to misery and a certain horrifying eternity separated from God in hell. It is to disregard the welfare of our neighbor, the person we are to love as ourselves, if we remain silent as we watch them perish. The saddest reality about increasing immorality in any culture is that those demanding liberation from God's Law in order to pursue their lawless ends are in fact loosing everything while in the process claiming victory that they are now free. Certainly we are to pray for their salvation, but prayer does not eliminate our duty to verbally warn them that their behavior is "not lawful." Should they with anger and contempt revile you by declaring that the civil magistrate has declared their behavior "legal" (as in the case of homosexual "marriage"), with humility it is your duty to inform them that there is a higher law, God's Law, that superceds mans law, and that His Law is unchanging and condemns their behavior and will judge them by it unless they repent. As children of the light Christians may never excuse nor capitulate by enabling unrighteousness behavior through silence. As with the saints of old in scripture and the long historical record of those since, it is our duty and privilege to stand firm in the word of truth. And in our standing firm we may be comforted by the words of the Lord Jesus Christ who warned his disciples that the world would hate them, but that they should not fear men, but rather Him who holds the keys to heaven and hell (Lk. 12:4-6).
Copyright © 2014 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever.") Isa. 40:8
The practices of unrighteousness that characterize a persons life invite the wrath of God. "...neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God" (1 Cor. 6:9-10). When the light of God's people dims unrighteousness abounds unrestrained. As children of the light, fear of reprisal and retribution by those engaging in unrighteousness, must not govern our duty in proclaiming the kingdom of God and His righteousness. It is to be performed in humble love of our neighbor. At one time we too were lost in sin and the wrath of God was upon us, even as the rest. Then the message of the gospel penetrated our hearts, having been delivered faithfully by one of God's servants, and we were brought to conviction and repentance. Ezekiel was commissioned by God to proclaim His truth, whether people listened or not (Ezk. 2:5-7). John the Baptist in like manner boldly informed king Herod that his adulterous affair with his brothers wife was "not lawful" (Mk. 6:18). Friendship with the world and its cultural norms, through our silence, consigns sinners to misery and a certain horrifying eternity separated from God in hell. It is to disregard the welfare of our neighbor, the person we are to love as ourselves, if we remain silent as we watch them perish. The saddest reality about increasing immorality in any culture is that those demanding liberation from God's Law in order to pursue their lawless ends are in fact loosing everything while in the process claiming victory that they are now free. Certainly we are to pray for their salvation, but prayer does not eliminate our duty to verbally warn them that their behavior is "not lawful." Should they with anger and contempt revile you by declaring that the civil magistrate has declared their behavior "legal" (as in the case of homosexual "marriage"), with humility it is your duty to inform them that there is a higher law, God's Law, that superceds mans law, and that His Law is unchanging and condemns their behavior and will judge them by it unless they repent. As children of the light Christians may never excuse nor capitulate by enabling unrighteousness behavior through silence. As with the saints of old in scripture and the long historical record of those since, it is our duty and privilege to stand firm in the word of truth. And in our standing firm we may be comforted by the words of the Lord Jesus Christ who warned his disciples that the world would hate them, but that they should not fear men, but rather Him who holds the keys to heaven and hell (Lk. 12:4-6).
Copyright © 2014 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever.") Isa. 40:8
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Irresistible Grace
J.A. Matteson
Entrance into the kingdom of God is by grace, citizens thereof display an otherness in their spiritual perceptions, being born of the Spirit; and where grace is at work in the soul to be reborn a heightened awareness of the awfulness of personal sin increasingly becomes excruciatingly unbearable. "You are not far from the kingdom of God" (Mk. 12:34). This man was in anguish of soul, intimately mindful of his sin. Jesus declared the man was not "far" from the kingdom of heaven; far (mak-ros') in time, his rebirth was immanent. Jesus next informs the man, by speaking to the crowd in which he stood, that the faith he possessed in God can be placed in Himself, He is the Son of David, the incarnate LORD of glory, the Lamb of God, come to die for the sins of His people. Mark does not recorded the scribes response to Jesus' teaching on David's Son, wherein He is the fulfillment of the prophetic word. Yet Jesus said with authority and certainty that the man was not far (in time) from entering the kingdom of God. What a beautiful picture of irresistible grace, drawing the soul of the elect to the Savior. Blessed be the LORD our God who makes all things new, and who by His grace saves sinners from the misery of sin and death unto everlasting life and eternal bliss. To the King immortal and all powerful, Jesus Christ, be the glory and the majesty and dominion now and forever more.
Copyright © 2014 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever.") Isa. 40:8
Entrance into the kingdom of God is by grace, citizens thereof display an otherness in their spiritual perceptions, being born of the Spirit; and where grace is at work in the soul to be reborn a heightened awareness of the awfulness of personal sin increasingly becomes excruciatingly unbearable. "You are not far from the kingdom of God" (Mk. 12:34). This man was in anguish of soul, intimately mindful of his sin. Jesus declared the man was not "far" from the kingdom of heaven; far (mak-ros') in time, his rebirth was immanent. Jesus next informs the man, by speaking to the crowd in which he stood, that the faith he possessed in God can be placed in Himself, He is the Son of David, the incarnate LORD of glory, the Lamb of God, come to die for the sins of His people. Mark does not recorded the scribes response to Jesus' teaching on David's Son, wherein He is the fulfillment of the prophetic word. Yet Jesus said with authority and certainty that the man was not far (in time) from entering the kingdom of God. What a beautiful picture of irresistible grace, drawing the soul of the elect to the Savior. Blessed be the LORD our God who makes all things new, and who by His grace saves sinners from the misery of sin and death unto everlasting life and eternal bliss. To the King immortal and all powerful, Jesus Christ, be the glory and the majesty and dominion now and forever more.
Copyright © 2014 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever.") Isa. 40:8
Monday, March 10, 2014
Error is Systemic
J.A. Matteson
Willful denial of explicit and implicit doctrines of scripture in order to support ones personal bias results in systemic theological error and spiritual blindness, always dangerous ground. "...have you not read?...you are greatly mistaken" (Mk. 12:26-27). Coming to scripture with a particular bias or presupposition, unsupported by sound hermeneutics, blinds the mind of the reader or listener to the truth, not only regarding the specific doctrine pertaining to his bias, but to the whole of scripture; doctrinal error is systemic, not stopping merely with his bias of one topic, for bias colors the whole of Gods person and work in Jesus Christ. Scripture interprets scripture, the word of God is a unified whole. It is, therefore, impossible to restrain bias in any particular doctrine from polluting our entire understanding of God and the gospel. As a drop of ink fundamentally alters the brilliance of a bucket of pure artisan water, doctrinal bias permeates the whole of scripture, fundamentally altering a persons understanding of God. It is unwise and unsafe to hold onto our bias when scripture reveals the naked truth of our error. Bias is revealed by scripture whenever our proof text is undermined by an alternate text. The path to spiritual growth is not in stubbornly holding onto our bias, but in hearing the Lord Jesus in that encounter inform us, "...you are greatly mistaken", letting go of it and embracing the truth. No one come to scripture without bias as a result of the pollution of our sinful fallen nature. Grace, however, illumines our mind to the truth of the word and it is our responsibility at that moment to lay at the foot of the cross our bias and embrace the truth God reveals to us.
Copyright © 2014 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever.") Isa. 40:8
Willful denial of explicit and implicit doctrines of scripture in order to support ones personal bias results in systemic theological error and spiritual blindness, always dangerous ground. "...have you not read?...you are greatly mistaken" (Mk. 12:26-27). Coming to scripture with a particular bias or presupposition, unsupported by sound hermeneutics, blinds the mind of the reader or listener to the truth, not only regarding the specific doctrine pertaining to his bias, but to the whole of scripture; doctrinal error is systemic, not stopping merely with his bias of one topic, for bias colors the whole of Gods person and work in Jesus Christ. Scripture interprets scripture, the word of God is a unified whole. It is, therefore, impossible to restrain bias in any particular doctrine from polluting our entire understanding of God and the gospel. As a drop of ink fundamentally alters the brilliance of a bucket of pure artisan water, doctrinal bias permeates the whole of scripture, fundamentally altering a persons understanding of God. It is unwise and unsafe to hold onto our bias when scripture reveals the naked truth of our error. Bias is revealed by scripture whenever our proof text is undermined by an alternate text. The path to spiritual growth is not in stubbornly holding onto our bias, but in hearing the Lord Jesus in that encounter inform us, "...you are greatly mistaken", letting go of it and embracing the truth. No one come to scripture without bias as a result of the pollution of our sinful fallen nature. Grace, however, illumines our mind to the truth of the word and it is our responsibility at that moment to lay at the foot of the cross our bias and embrace the truth God reveals to us.
Copyright © 2014 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever.") Isa. 40:8
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Worthy of Death; Redeemed by Life
J.A. Matteson
Sins residue makes murky the water of faith as evidenced by moments when God's goodness is questioned, "I do believe, help my unbelief" (Mk. 9:24). Redeemed from spiritual death we too often hold onto that for which Jesus Christ died; namely, our sin, elevating divine justice over divine mercy. The transformation in grace whereby we grow from faith to faith does not remove our awareness of the depths of our inclination toward sin. Whereas we know in our heart grace saved us we mistakenly project upon God our sins just deserts above and beyond His mercy. This poor man was not questioning Christ's ability to perform a miraculous act (he was well aware of Jesus' reputation), he was doubting Christ's healing mercy being extended to a sinner such as he. The man held a distorted and unbalanced understanding of the character of God. It is precisely because of God's grace and mercy that Jesus Christ died for sinners, not due to their merit. We are all unworthy of the mercy of God who richly gives to all who trust in Him. By grace the man was given faith to believe in Jesus' saving power from sin and death, and by grace the man confessed his need for additional faith, that as an unworthy sinner God would choose to extend mercy to him. From Calvary to paradise our experience with Jesus Christ is an ongoing stream of delight in the river of God's love and mercy towards us, the sinner; worthy of death, and redeemed by Life.
Copyright © 2014 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever.") Isa. 40:8
Sins residue makes murky the water of faith as evidenced by moments when God's goodness is questioned, "I do believe, help my unbelief" (Mk. 9:24). Redeemed from spiritual death we too often hold onto that for which Jesus Christ died; namely, our sin, elevating divine justice over divine mercy. The transformation in grace whereby we grow from faith to faith does not remove our awareness of the depths of our inclination toward sin. Whereas we know in our heart grace saved us we mistakenly project upon God our sins just deserts above and beyond His mercy. This poor man was not questioning Christ's ability to perform a miraculous act (he was well aware of Jesus' reputation), he was doubting Christ's healing mercy being extended to a sinner such as he. The man held a distorted and unbalanced understanding of the character of God. It is precisely because of God's grace and mercy that Jesus Christ died for sinners, not due to their merit. We are all unworthy of the mercy of God who richly gives to all who trust in Him. By grace the man was given faith to believe in Jesus' saving power from sin and death, and by grace the man confessed his need for additional faith, that as an unworthy sinner God would choose to extend mercy to him. From Calvary to paradise our experience with Jesus Christ is an ongoing stream of delight in the river of God's love and mercy towards us, the sinner; worthy of death, and redeemed by Life.
Copyright © 2014 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever.") Isa. 40:8
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