Monday, March 10, 2014

Error is Systemic

J.A. Matteson

Willful denial of explicit and implicit doctrines of scripture in order to support ones personal bias results in systemic theological error and spiritual blindness, always dangerous ground. "...have you not read? are greatly mistaken" (Mk. 12:26-27). Coming to scripture with a particular bias or presupposition, unsupported by sound hermeneutics, blinds the mind of the reader or listener to the truth, not only regarding the specific doctrine pertaining to his bias, but to the whole of scripture; doctrinal error is systemic, not stopping merely with his bias of one topic, for bias colors the whole of Gods person and work in Jesus Christ. Scripture interprets scripture, the word of God is a unified whole. It is, therefore, impossible to restrain bias in any particular doctrine from polluting our entire understanding of God and the gospel. As a drop of ink fundamentally alters the brilliance of a bucket of pure artisan water, doctrinal bias permeates the whole of scripture, fundamentally altering a persons understanding of God. It is unwise and unsafe to hold onto our bias when scripture reveals the naked truth of our error. Bias is revealed by scripture whenever our proof text is undermined by an alternate text. The path to spiritual growth is not in stubbornly holding onto our bias, but in hearing the Lord Jesus in that encounter inform us, " are greatly mistaken", letting go of it and embracing the truth. No one come to scripture without bias as a result of the pollution of our sinful fallen nature. Grace, however, illumines our mind to the truth of the word and it is our responsibility at that moment to lay at the foot of the cross our bias and embrace the truth God reveals to us.

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