Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Worthy of Death; Redeemed by Life

J.A. Matteson

Sins residue makes murky the water of faith as evidenced by moments when God's goodness is questioned, "I do believe, help my unbelief" (Mk. 9:24). Redeemed from spiritual death we too often hold onto that for which Jesus Christ died; namely, our sin, elevating divine justice over divine mercy. The transformation in grace whereby we grow from faith to faith does not remove our awareness of the depths of our inclination toward sin. Whereas we know in our heart grace saved us we mistakenly project upon God our sins just deserts above and beyond His mercy. This poor man was not questioning Christ's ability to perform a miraculous act (he was well aware of Jesus' reputation), he was doubting Christ's healing mercy being extended to a sinner such as he. The man held a distorted and unbalanced understanding of the character of God. It is precisely because of God's grace and mercy that Jesus Christ died for sinners, not due to their merit. We are all unworthy of the mercy of God who richly gives to all who trust in Him. By grace the man was given faith to believe in Jesus' saving power from sin and death, and by grace the man confessed his need for additional faith, that as an unworthy sinner God would choose to extend mercy to him. From Calvary to paradise our experience with Jesus Christ is an ongoing stream of delight in the river of God's love and mercy towards us, the sinner; worthy of death, and redeemed by Life.

Copyright © 2014 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever.") Isa. 40:8