Wednesday, June 18, 2014

God Knows Us

J.A. Matteson

In our pilgrims journey we at times loose sight of God, but God never looses sight of us. "How precious are Your thoughts to me, O God!" (Ps. 139:17). We do not know ourselves, but God knows us. We fail to understand His leading so as to bring to pass what He has ordained this day. We misinterpret difficulty as His displeasure when more often it is His kindness redirecting our way to bring us back to the path He has ordained for us, for our good and His glory. And depending on how far we have wandered from His way the journey back may appear daunting. Had we known ourselves as He knows us we would have recognized early on we were off the path and self-corrected our way. This is the perseverance of the saints who continue on their journey toward glory, and that by the grace of God. Had it not been for grace they would have remained in a desert place to the destruction of the soul. The loving kindness of the LORD is a sure foundation, a river springing forth into life eternal. If the day is cloudy obscuring the mountain peaks of His majesty, and the path uneven and precarious, rest in the knowledge that God is making perfect sense of your circumstances. And if He brings you to your senses where looking down at where your feet are standing you discern you have strayed from His path, simply acknowledge that which you know to be true and ask Him to guide you back. His good thoughts towards you are never ceasing in guiding you to your heavenly dwelling, giving you the desire of your heart.

Copyright © 2014 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever.") Isa. 40:8