Wednesday, June 4, 2014


J.A. Matteson

Be careful not to allow your love for Jesus Christ to hinder the divine imperative relating to His redemptive means. "Do not let your heart be troubled...." (Jn. 14:1). Are you annoyed when Jesus is mocked, ridiculed, slandered? Is it your inclination to insert yourself into providences hostile to Christ and His kingdom in order to alter perceived outcomes? Can you see that you have allowed your heart to be troubled? It is natural to desire to protect and defend those we love from harm. We forget that Jesus is the sovereign I Am, omnipotent, eternal God of creation. Does He need our protection? Loosing sight of His majesty our hearts become troubled. This day, regardless of the disdain by which His name may be maligned, Jesus reminds us, "Do not let your heart be troubled." Contrary to the false teachers' assertions, world opinion about Jesus will not become sweeter before His immanent return, but it will become increasingly bitter and hostile, all according to His perfect redemptive plan in calling out His sheep. Rest, therefore, in His everlasting arms of peace this day, assured that in spite of opposition He has the situation perfectly under control.

Copyright © 2014 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever.") Isa. 40:8