J.A. Matteson
Seasons change and the flesh of man returns to the earth from which it came, but the word of our LORD endures forever. His precepts are from everlasting to everlasting and fools trifle with the word of His testimony, "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil" (Isa. 5:20). Like wild beasts depraved souls sneer at the seed of the woman, throughout history the saints have been torn asunder, slandered, reviled, mocked, marginalized, condemned, made a laughing stock, and in all ways unjustly impugned. Darkness hates the light, wicked men who plot evil and practice deplorable acts hate God's saints, being convicted by their righteous deeds and the testimony of their lips of the moral code of God. "Silence!" they scream. Working tirelessly the wicked purpose to mute the testimony of the saints legislatively. If they fail legislatively, with violence they isolate the saints of God, inflicting death to silence the divine message of condemnation they know is just. Were it not for the grace of God ordinary men would shrink back from the fire, but by grace the faith of the afflicted saints grows stronger and sweeter in the face of personal danger, prevailing to the praise and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. Alas, the saints of God cannot but stand as sentinels in the hurricane of Satan's devices. And stand they will, for the LORD of Hosts is with them and able to make them stand.
Copyright © 2014 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever.") Isa. 40:8