Monday, July 28, 2014

The Hand of the LORD

For a time the upper hand of the enemies of Israel may appear to prosper, but the hand of the LORD will, in due time, crush those committed to the harm of His chosen ones. "Those who contend with you will be as nothing and will perish" (Isaiah 41:11). Bleak as the darkness of a moonless night, silent as the grave, cold as the heart of the man of wicked intent, all is temporal. The brilliance of the moon will again shine forth, dispersing the gloom of night. The inhabitants of the grave will leap forth with joy. Mercy, goodwill and compassion will replace the unbelieving heart of stone, hoping in Him who opens blind eyes and unstops deaf ears. The times and seasons of God's mercy and wrath belong to Him; who can counsel or direct Him? It is He who governs he affairs of men and who fights for the ones in whom His soul delights. Foolish are the enemies of Israel who boast in the conquest of their habitation, who delight in idols, profaning the name of the living God, even the Holy One of Israel. His vindication is swift, who can escape from the terror if His fury? But those who trust in the name of LORD most high will never be disappointed, even Jacob, with the righteous inhabitants of Israel, in whom His soul delights.

Copyright 2014 Immutable Word Ministries ("...the word of our God stands forever.") Isa. 40:8