J.A. Matteson
"Because of the tender mercy of our God, whereby the sunrise shall visit us from on high to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace." Luke 1:78-79
Incomprehensible is the mercy of God, especially to those who revere his name. Once darkness blinded our eyes and silence closed our ears, ignorance defiled our faculties so we were by nature like untamed beasts, always straining and pulling against the way of righteousness in arrogant unbelief, boastful, hateful, stubborn. Darkness was our habitation, ignorance covered us as a blanket. Preferring the darkness to the light we scurried as roaches to the recesses of cover whenever a moment of shimmering light invaded our habitat. But the mercy of God never tires and the purposes of the Almighty are irrevocable. Not looking for mercy we obtained mercy. Not searching for light we obtained light by his seed deposited within us whereby that which was formerly odious was transformed into something sweeter than honey. Ignorance yielded to truth and stiff necked rebellion to belief. The state of the old nature, in the tinkling of an eye, was replaced by the new. The mercy of God loved it's object into willful obedience and faith. Such is the new birth through the agency of the Spirit in the light of the gospel. Where is boasting? It is obliterated. By what means is it obliterated? By the law of grace through faith. A blind man at midday is oblivious to the brilliance of the light of the sun. The mercy of God comes from outside of the blind man, opening his eyes to behold that which was clocked in darkness. To this miracle of sight and new life belong all praise, honor, and glory, to the king immortal who's mercy endures forever, and who's ways are beyond comprehension.
Copyright (c) 2016 Immutable Word Ministries ("...the word of our God stands forever."). Isaiah 40:8
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