J.A. Matteson
"When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, 'Put out into the deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.'" Luke 5:4
Peter was an able fisherman, skilled in the trade. An overlooked nuance of truth in his encounter with Christ this day was in the how of Jesus' invitation to join him in his messianic work, not simply the what of it. That Simon would engage in proclaiming the good news of salvation was fundamental and further empowerment and training would be forthcoming. Yet in the haul of fish in his net that day were likely a variety of fish species. Simon would later in a vision behold a variety of unclean animals set before him with the command of the Lord to take and eat. Protesting a violation of his strict kosher diet Simon hesitated, only to encounter a deeper truth about Christ and the gospel; viz., it is for all people, Jew and Gentile. It is likely that in Simons net were many varieties of fish. When Christ bids us to join him in his evangelistic work we must confront our own prejudice if we are to be of value to the Lord in his work. To reveal your prejudices to you expect the Lord to repeatedly place you in settings where people unlike you reveal their hearts and anxieties. Take note in that moment how you instinctively respond to them in your heart. Anything less than a heart of love and compassion is not the heart of God towards them. Who gets under your skin, irritating you? God wants to love them and extend his compassion to them through you. Using Simons perspective they represent your Gentile, anathema to you. Here is God's lesson: the gospel is for all people, Jew, Gentile, rich, poor, educated, illiterate, liberal, conservative, democrat, republican, libertarian, white, black, Latino, Muslim. All of these types of people are fish in the net of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Take note, therefore, when you find yourself avoiding certain groups of people, esteeming them as unworthy of compassion and love, for that revelation is God inviting you to grow in mercy and love in order that you might more fully reflect his nature in the world to which he has called you to be salt and light.
Copyright (c) 2016 Immutable Word Ministries ("...the word of our God stands forever.") Isaiah 40:8
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