J.A. Matteson
To know the LORD is to be known by Him, and the servant of the LORD is safe within the gates of His majesty. "The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble, and He knows those who take refuge in Him" (Nahum 1:7). Certainly the LORD is aware of those who take refuge in Him and those who turn to folly, for the LORD is omniscient. That is not the prophets point here. Those who take refuge in Him were intimately known by Him before the foundation of the world. These are His elect whom He foreknew before their first breath was taken. He knew them and loved them, called them, justified and sanctified them to Himself that they would be a holy nation, a royal priest hood to proclaim His excellencies to the world, to the praise of His glory. Deep calls to deep and the Spirit through Whom life is given glorifies the Son by leading the heirs of salvation to seek refuge in the stronghold of their Redeemer who will never leave nor forsake them. Blessed be the name of the LORD and fortunate are those who take refuge in Him.
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