Monday, June 24, 2013

Nothing is Impossible for God

J.A. Matteson

How tempting it is to conclude the victory was the result of braun or cunning. The heart of man plans his way but the LORD directs his steps. "The king is not saved by a mighty army; a warrior is not delivered by great strength" (Ps. 33:16). Wisdom and strength are good if rightly understood, but become a snare if victory is attributed to them. By grace the LORD exalts the humble, but His face is against the proud. To attribute success to the gift rather that the Giver of gifts is a great sin, for nothing is impossible for God who is able to save by few or many and who delights in lifting up the weak who place their hope in Him. In victory or defeat it is fitting to offer praise and thanksgiving to the LORD of Hosts who makes all things beautiful in His time. Fix your trust in the LORD and hope in His loving kindness, give thanks to the LORD our Maker who crafts the boundaries of our habitation and the influence of our lives. The sparrow does not fall from the sky nor are the LORD's servants brought low apart from the knowledge of the holy One of Israel. Neither does the elk escape the lion or the Christian evade persecution except by the mercy of God. Trust in the LORD and consider His providences and the peace of the LORD will cover you in time of need.

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