Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Tendency of the Sinful Flesh

J.A. Matteson

The essence of sin is unbelief, and the fruit of unbelief is trust in the creation rather than the Creator, Who is forever blessed. Amen. "My people consult their wooden idol, and their diviners wand informs them; for a spirit of harlotry has led them astray, and they have played the harlot, departing from their God" (Hosea 4:12). The tendency of the sinful flesh is to attribute prosperity and peace to that which is seen, to that within the created realm. Yahweh is invisible, yet His reality is expressed by what is seen and unseen, for all things exist by Him, through Him and for Him. The LORD speaks to His people and they play the harlot, turning to idols to inform them of what is or may be, rather than turning to Him Who holds all things together by the power of His will. They place their trust of financial security in stock market reports, real estate trends, and the price of metals. They place their hope of physical recovery in the medical community. They place their trust in world leaders to secure the peace, and a multitude of idols too numerous to number guide every aspect of their lives. Vanity upon vanities, all is vanity. Unless the LORD builds the house the laborer builds in vain. The LORD gives and the LORD takes away. The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the LORD and its fruit is fidelity to Him exclusively. Blessed be the name of the LORD who is long suffering and compassionate, Who save His people from their sin and forgives their iniquity.

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