J.A. Matteson
In the course of human events, public or private, the haze of circumstances may obscure the Lords promise because we have taken our spiritual eye off Him. "All things work together for good to them that love God" (Rom. 8:28). Our problem comes into focus when we question God's love or concern when circumstances are unpleasant; namely, our disobedience in taking no thought of our life (Matt. 6:25). Jesus says not to become obsessed with food, clothing, money or its lack. We protest by our actions, charging off headstrong along a particular path with the intent to secure them. All the while we demonstrate our disobedience to the Lord's command, "Take no thought." It is essential that we perceive the Lord's hand in every circumstance, even the smallest detail. Unless it is seen that He engineers our daily circumstances for His glory and our good we will continue to disobey His command, "Take no thought." Jesus Christ took no thought of His life, but moment by moment entrusted Himself to the providential care of His Father. The cares of this world are like ocean breakers constantly beating upon the shoreline of our lives. And unless we align our will and obedience in them to the Spirit an erosion of trust in God will result, and we become ineffectual vessels to the Lord. Plan your way today, but allow God to direct your steps as He chooses. Submit your will and plan to His providential hand, anticipate it, expect it, respond by seeking first His kingdom and righteousness in every circumstance. Never consider your circumstances as odd, but divine opportunities to obey by "taking no thought of your life." Only by seeing God's providential hand in his imprisonment in Rome could the apostle Paul comfort his friends in Philippi, assuring them that his confinement had actually advanced the cause of the Gospel (Phil. 1:12).
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