J.A. Matteson
There are moments of weakness for every saint in their journey, especially new believers. "A bruised reed He will not break, and smoking flax He will not quench" (Matt. 12:20). The tender mercy and compassion of the Lord Jesus Christ are eternal, He is the Ancient of Days. The Lord is ever mindful of our weakest moments and knows that we are dust and flesh. In our weakness He never condemns us--that's the devils practice-- but builds us up by the power of His love. Carefully and with precision the bruised reed is gently brought back to its erect position by the hands of grace and held there until it is mended and once again able to bend in the winds of adversity, made stronger than it was prior on account of its bruise. The same tender hand of grace cups the smoking flask, nearly extinguished, gently blowing life upon it until the small blue flame erupts to amber then hot white. The Lord knows His own and as a faithful Shepherd He protects, nourishes, and binds up the bruises of His sheep. During your weakest moments when strength has evaporated and prayerful utterances are evasive, He who called you by name is Faithful, He will uphold you and restore you, bringing to completion the good which He started in you until the day of Christ Jesus.
Copyright © 2014 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).