Monday, January 13, 2014

Hope Is Jesus Christ

J.A. Matteson

God is able and often willing to intersect our life experience in delightful ways far beyond what we might imagine or consider, but our unbelief often stays His hand. "Daughter, take courage, your faith has made you well" (Matt. 9:22). Unless I first believe Jesus can, He will not. He will not tolerate or compete with a spirit of unbelief, and will instead allow me to spend time and resources until I come to the end of myself, pursuing Him with faithful desperation. Until my heart confesses that in nothing else or in anyone else is relief possible--but in Christ alone is my victory assured--He will allow me to waste my time and resources chasing a mirage, my hopes dashed upon the ground. Hope is not in Jesus Christ, hope is Jesus Christ (Ps. 71:5). Will you be humiliated for Jesus' sake, a fool for Christ? Are you prepared to cast aside what the world might think in your utter desperation to get to Jesus? Have your hopes in human solutions to your situation completely disappointed you yet, to the point of despair? Lift up your eyes, nearby your Redeemer passes. Approach Him quickly, confidently, believing He is able to deliver you, He is filled with compassion to assist all who place their trust in Him. Unbelief, ignorance, and pride are the devils prized weapons to effectively keep weary souls from coming to Jesus Christ. Confront them to disempower him, confessing them as the sin they are. Your Savior bids you "Come." The Spirit and the bride say "Come." Press through in joyful expectation to receive what your Lord has purposed to graciously bestow upon you in response to your faith in Him.

Copyright © 2014 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).