J.A. Matteson
Are you continuing to struggle in spirit when your plans are dashed? "I will grant this people favor in the sight of the Egyptians" (Ex. 3:21). Unrest results when we don't get our way. Fruitfulness occurs when we surrender our way for God's will. Saints use their intellect to chart their daily course, but the hand of Providence determines outcomes. Unless you surrender your way to God's sovereignty today peace will elude you. The day begins, relationships and events develop contrary to your plans. It is imperative that you discern God has placed before you a fork in the road, which path will you take: faith or fear. If you choose to walk in the flesh the fruit of fearfulness will manifest itself. If you choose to walk in the spirit, an attitude of thanksgiving and worship will overflow from you. Recognize, Christian, that it is the LORD who works in the hearts of those with whom you come into contact, influencing how they perceive you and respond to you. If you find favor in their sight, thank God. If they are adverse toward you recognize that this too is from the hand of God. Immediately inquire of the LORD as to His will and direction in that setting, He is directing your steps, though you have planned your way (Prv. 16:9). As you move forward through the circumstance by faith look for His providential blessing through you, as His instrument, to build up another pilgrim or to proclaim Jesus Christ to an individual who He is calling. The affairs of earthly concerns that occupy your attention are a mere trifle before the LORD and useful to Him in order to strategically deploy His ambassadors in the daily out-working of His redemptive will. The primary aim this day is to seek first His kingdom and righteousness, walk in the spirit, and consider unanticipated obstacles as God's directing you to fulfill His redemptive will in the life of another. When, by His grace, you perceive what He is up to joy will fill your heart that He chose to work through you to bless another person.
Copyright © 2014 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever.") Isa. 40:8