J.A. Matteson
So splendid and beyond the reach of our imagination is the reality of heaven, to which we may stumble in grasping the delightful intent of biblical revelation in describing our part in it. "...and His bond-servants will serve Him" (Rev. 22:3). We may error in our understanding of what the Spirit is getting at in interpreting heavenly disclosures like this. It is not as though God is lacking anything in His person whereby our worship is necessary to complete Him. Nor is our service to be associated with work grudgingly performed. Rather in heaven the slow laborious process of our sanctification in Jesus Christ begun on earth is complete, glorification is our new eternal state. On earth saints groan within themselves over sin. Our worship and service are polluted by sin that continues to hinder our devotion to Jesus Christ. Now, consider your grandest moments in the Spirit, those so called mountain top experiences that enraptured your soul with inexpressible joy. Those moments were in time and restricted by your mortal limitation to grasp and fully experience the totality of who Jesus Christ is. Had He revealed the fulness of His divinity to you in the flesh you would have died (Ex. 33:21-23). Even Peter, James, and John only got a glimpse of Jesus' holiness on the Mount of Transfiguration (Matt. 17:1-3). In heaven you will see Him as He is, face to face, and your capacity to experience the eternal will be realized by your new eternal nature as a glorified child of the Almighty. To serve Jesus Christ in heaven is God's gift to the saints, a mountain top experience eternal in its duration, eternal in its content, and without bounds in its satisfaction. For this reason the apostle observed that no one can even imagine how absolutely wonderful heaven is (1 Cor. 2:9). What we can be assured of is that human language fails to give adequate expression to its delightful reality. To serve the LORD in heaven is what the saints were created for, and in which they will receive their absolute contentment for eternity as the spotless bride of the Lamb of God, who ransomed her by His own blood. In the new year keep a watchful upward eye on heaven, for your Redeemer has promised that He comes quickly.
Copyright © 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Saturday, December 28, 2013
The Grandeur of His Person
J.A. Matteson
The greatest robber of joy is a practical denial of God's sovereignty in the present. "Hallelujah! For the LORD our God, the Almighty reigns" (Rev. 19:6). We keep waiting for God to do the miraculous, the extraordinary, when in every moment His divine presence holds all things together by the power of His word. Each sunrise, beat of the heart, breath, birth, all providences direct the eyes of the soul to the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the beginning and end of all things, seen and unseen. We live and move and have our being in Him, and as a goldfish in a bowl of water the familiarity of His providential care is such that we can easily overlook the miraculous and extraordinary in our daily experience. God drove home this point for Job who lost sight of His reign. Can you create the beauty of the sunrise? Can you comprehend the eagle riding the currents of wind beside majestic cliffs of basalt, or the salmon returning to spawn and die at the location of its birth? These are unseen testimonies of His reign over the natural world. His reign in the spiritual sphere is witnessed through the power of His word in transformed lives, uttering His praises and giving glory to God. At the present time satan holds the world under the power of his deceit. But his doom is sure, for in the fullness of time Jesus Christ will return and finally throw down opposition to His reign. By His power in the present order of all things we are confident, with absolute assurance, He will bring to pass that which He promised in the future. The dawning of the reality of God's reign in the past, present, and future is the saints joy. If joy is evasive to you this day, perhaps the supreme reign of Jesus Christ in and through all things has been obscured by the fog of the cares of this world. Take a moment to lift up the eyes of your heart and consider Him who was and is and is to come. The grandeur of His person and promises will again fill your heart with joy to overflowing.
Copyright © 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).
The greatest robber of joy is a practical denial of God's sovereignty in the present. "Hallelujah! For the LORD our God, the Almighty reigns" (Rev. 19:6). We keep waiting for God to do the miraculous, the extraordinary, when in every moment His divine presence holds all things together by the power of His word. Each sunrise, beat of the heart, breath, birth, all providences direct the eyes of the soul to the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the beginning and end of all things, seen and unseen. We live and move and have our being in Him, and as a goldfish in a bowl of water the familiarity of His providential care is such that we can easily overlook the miraculous and extraordinary in our daily experience. God drove home this point for Job who lost sight of His reign. Can you create the beauty of the sunrise? Can you comprehend the eagle riding the currents of wind beside majestic cliffs of basalt, or the salmon returning to spawn and die at the location of its birth? These are unseen testimonies of His reign over the natural world. His reign in the spiritual sphere is witnessed through the power of His word in transformed lives, uttering His praises and giving glory to God. At the present time satan holds the world under the power of his deceit. But his doom is sure, for in the fullness of time Jesus Christ will return and finally throw down opposition to His reign. By His power in the present order of all things we are confident, with absolute assurance, He will bring to pass that which He promised in the future. The dawning of the reality of God's reign in the past, present, and future is the saints joy. If joy is evasive to you this day, perhaps the supreme reign of Jesus Christ in and through all things has been obscured by the fog of the cares of this world. Take a moment to lift up the eyes of your heart and consider Him who was and is and is to come. The grandeur of His person and promises will again fill your heart with joy to overflowing.
Copyright © 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Singularly Devoted
J.A. Matteson
God is continually speaking, but am I listening? Do I even care to listen, or am I satisfied to hear alone, not accepting His word by applying that which He speaks? "Hear now what the LORD is saying..." (Micah 6:1). Israel's stubbornness in the sin of idolatry had been repeatedly denounced by the prophets, the people heard the LORD's warning, but they did not listen and so corrective judgement visited them. The Spirits aim is to confront our will, unearthing for our observation and consideration persistent pockets of rebellion to His revealed will. The benevolence of the LORD is persistent in breaking through to our conscience level until justifications cease, endless explanations expire, and we humbly agree with God about that which He is speaking to us. As long as we persist in justification we are not prepared to listen, sin remains our master and in time we reap that which we sew. But you were not redeemed by the precious blood of Christ to be a walking contradiction, Jesus Christ is your Master, you have died to sin, you have been crucified with Christ and are now seated with Him in heavenly places. To be singularly devoted to Christ is joy and peace, to be double minded is sorrow, mental confusion, and spiritual atrophy. Hear and listen to what the Spirit is saying, make it your aim to walk by faith, applying His word regardless of perceived dangers for doing so. He will never abandon His children, to trust and obey is the gateway to genuine contentment and joy along your pilgrims journey.
Copyright © 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).
God is continually speaking, but am I listening? Do I even care to listen, or am I satisfied to hear alone, not accepting His word by applying that which He speaks? "Hear now what the LORD is saying..." (Micah 6:1). Israel's stubbornness in the sin of idolatry had been repeatedly denounced by the prophets, the people heard the LORD's warning, but they did not listen and so corrective judgement visited them. The Spirits aim is to confront our will, unearthing for our observation and consideration persistent pockets of rebellion to His revealed will. The benevolence of the LORD is persistent in breaking through to our conscience level until justifications cease, endless explanations expire, and we humbly agree with God about that which He is speaking to us. As long as we persist in justification we are not prepared to listen, sin remains our master and in time we reap that which we sew. But you were not redeemed by the precious blood of Christ to be a walking contradiction, Jesus Christ is your Master, you have died to sin, you have been crucified with Christ and are now seated with Him in heavenly places. To be singularly devoted to Christ is joy and peace, to be double minded is sorrow, mental confusion, and spiritual atrophy. Hear and listen to what the Spirit is saying, make it your aim to walk by faith, applying His word regardless of perceived dangers for doing so. He will never abandon His children, to trust and obey is the gateway to genuine contentment and joy along your pilgrims journey.
Copyright © 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).
Saturday, December 21, 2013
True Peace
J.A. Matteson
To utter "Peace on earth" each December with the intent of the cessation of hostility among people and nations is naive and misdirected. "This One will be our peace...." (Micah 5:5). We instinctively survey the landscape of human experience in sin, its misery, strife, war, injustice, and rightfully long for a renewed order. The world is not at peace because it is at war with its Maker. Only in Jesus Christ is there true peace. Men cannot be at peace with each other unless they are first at peace with God through Jesus Christ. As saints we can hype ourselves up every December, singing songs of peace on earth and engage in all manner of charitable good deeds for those in need. But the glimmer does not last, the songs quickly fade, and once again the dire vexing misery of humanity returns. Our calling as saints is to perpetually direct those around us to the Prince of Peace, wherein they may find true and lasting peace. But until Jesus Christ returns to firmly and conclusively establish His kingdom on earth, making His enemies His footstool, the age old spiritual enmity between Isaac and Ishmael will continue. The earth will not know peace, but the heirs of the King of kings will walk in peace with Him who ransomed them from the wrath to come. In the present order peace on earth is extended to those with whom the LORD is well pleased, to those who have placed their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to save them from their sin. Until He comes the world will continue in strife and misery, yet during that time the saints of God are filled with joy, love, faith, and peace, for these qualities resonate within them as a result of the gift given to them, His Spirit.
Copyright © 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).
To utter "Peace on earth" each December with the intent of the cessation of hostility among people and nations is naive and misdirected. "This One will be our peace...." (Micah 5:5). We instinctively survey the landscape of human experience in sin, its misery, strife, war, injustice, and rightfully long for a renewed order. The world is not at peace because it is at war with its Maker. Only in Jesus Christ is there true peace. Men cannot be at peace with each other unless they are first at peace with God through Jesus Christ. As saints we can hype ourselves up every December, singing songs of peace on earth and engage in all manner of charitable good deeds for those in need. But the glimmer does not last, the songs quickly fade, and once again the dire vexing misery of humanity returns. Our calling as saints is to perpetually direct those around us to the Prince of Peace, wherein they may find true and lasting peace. But until Jesus Christ returns to firmly and conclusively establish His kingdom on earth, making His enemies His footstool, the age old spiritual enmity between Isaac and Ishmael will continue. The earth will not know peace, but the heirs of the King of kings will walk in peace with Him who ransomed them from the wrath to come. In the present order peace on earth is extended to those with whom the LORD is well pleased, to those who have placed their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to save them from their sin. Until He comes the world will continue in strife and misery, yet during that time the saints of God are filled with joy, love, faith, and peace, for these qualities resonate within them as a result of the gift given to them, His Spirit.
Copyright © 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Compassion for the Lost
J.A. Matteson
Compassion for the lost is a hallmark of God's character, and the LORD will deal firmly with His servants lacking compassion until it is deeply infused in them. "So Jonah arose and went to Nineveh according to the word of the LORD" (Jonah 3:3). Jonah needed an attitude adjustment toward the lost of Nineveh, so the LORD set in motion adverse providences to tutor His servant in compassion in response to his hard hearted disobedience. A saint who lacks compassion for the lost is deficient in his understanding of the enormity of God's compassion toward him. Watch out, be on your guard against attitudes of condescension towards people not like you, sinners whom you feel are not worthy of God's compassion, individuals or groups of people whom you have written off, who have made unwise life choices. At some point the LORD will deal firmly with you through adverse providences until He brings you around to seeing your own depravity as He sees it. As the Lord Jesus Christ noted, he who has been forgiven little loves little, and he who has been forgiven much loves much (Lk. 7:47). It is the LORD's intent that saints perceive the vastness of their own iniquity and the extreme lengths He went to in order to show them compassion. If we lack compassion toward vile lost sinners it is because we have lost sight of our own spiritual poverty. And unless we bring our callous heart before the LORD in confession He will engineer unpleasant providences that will hit hard, circumstances we might otherwise avoid in order to bring us to our knees, so that we become useful to Him in reaching all souls for Jesus Christ.
Copyright © 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).
Compassion for the lost is a hallmark of God's character, and the LORD will deal firmly with His servants lacking compassion until it is deeply infused in them. "So Jonah arose and went to Nineveh according to the word of the LORD" (Jonah 3:3). Jonah needed an attitude adjustment toward the lost of Nineveh, so the LORD set in motion adverse providences to tutor His servant in compassion in response to his hard hearted disobedience. A saint who lacks compassion for the lost is deficient in his understanding of the enormity of God's compassion toward him. Watch out, be on your guard against attitudes of condescension towards people not like you, sinners whom you feel are not worthy of God's compassion, individuals or groups of people whom you have written off, who have made unwise life choices. At some point the LORD will deal firmly with you through adverse providences until He brings you around to seeing your own depravity as He sees it. As the Lord Jesus Christ noted, he who has been forgiven little loves little, and he who has been forgiven much loves much (Lk. 7:47). It is the LORD's intent that saints perceive the vastness of their own iniquity and the extreme lengths He went to in order to show them compassion. If we lack compassion toward vile lost sinners it is because we have lost sight of our own spiritual poverty. And unless we bring our callous heart before the LORD in confession He will engineer unpleasant providences that will hit hard, circumstances we might otherwise avoid in order to bring us to our knees, so that we become useful to Him in reaching all souls for Jesus Christ.
Copyright © 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
The Wisdom of God
J.A. Matteson
Reason has nothing to do with conversion. No man has ever come to Jesus Christ by a sober evaluation of the facts. "Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?" (1 Cor. 1:20). The wisdom of the world denies the person and work of Jesus Christ because by the worlds economy He is not reasonable. Additionally, the wisdom of the world delights in reasoned debate, the weighing of evidence, the methodical consideration of counter points of view; that approach determines the merits of any proposition under consideration (Acts 17:18). By reasoned debate saints can subtly betray the power of the Gospel when they rely on the process itself rather than on God. The apostles engaged in reasoned debate, but understood it was not their eloquence or logic, but the power of the Spirit in the Gospel presented that convicted and converted souls (Acts 17:2, 18:19). When you conclude a presentation of Jesus Christ and your hearer does not confess Jesus as LORD, and if you walk away thinking, "I should have said such and such," you were relying on your methods, your debating skills and not the power of God. If God had been working in your hearers heart you could have made the feeblest presentation and your hearer would have joyfully accepted your testimony. The astonishing thing about Gods wisdom is that it obliterates any claim of merit, be it by the evangelist who leads the debate or the convert who participates. The unadulterated Gospel is presented and a hearer believes it, that is the wisdom of God: that faith justifies sinners. You can debate for days the facts of the incarnation, persuade for hours the evidence for the resurrection, plead with all your might that your hearer just stop being stubborn and accept your claims. But unless the wisdom of God is operative in the heart of the hearer, you are preaching to a walking corpse that cannot hear, see, or respond to spiritual things (1 Cor. 2:14). But to the called your message is the wisdom of God unto eternal life, for they hear and believe to the saving of the soul (1 Jn. 5:1). And when their lips confess Christ and the fruit of repentance is manifest in their lives, discerning saints understand it was not their reasoned debating skills in presenting Jesus Christ, nor the openness of the hearer that were responsible for new birth, but it was the wisdom of God revealed through the power of the Gospel, bring forth life, calling forth those whom the Father has given to His Son (Jn 5:21).
Copyright © 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).
Reason has nothing to do with conversion. No man has ever come to Jesus Christ by a sober evaluation of the facts. "Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?" (1 Cor. 1:20). The wisdom of the world denies the person and work of Jesus Christ because by the worlds economy He is not reasonable. Additionally, the wisdom of the world delights in reasoned debate, the weighing of evidence, the methodical consideration of counter points of view; that approach determines the merits of any proposition under consideration (Acts 17:18). By reasoned debate saints can subtly betray the power of the Gospel when they rely on the process itself rather than on God. The apostles engaged in reasoned debate, but understood it was not their eloquence or logic, but the power of the Spirit in the Gospel presented that convicted and converted souls (Acts 17:2, 18:19). When you conclude a presentation of Jesus Christ and your hearer does not confess Jesus as LORD, and if you walk away thinking, "I should have said such and such," you were relying on your methods, your debating skills and not the power of God. If God had been working in your hearers heart you could have made the feeblest presentation and your hearer would have joyfully accepted your testimony. The astonishing thing about Gods wisdom is that it obliterates any claim of merit, be it by the evangelist who leads the debate or the convert who participates. The unadulterated Gospel is presented and a hearer believes it, that is the wisdom of God: that faith justifies sinners. You can debate for days the facts of the incarnation, persuade for hours the evidence for the resurrection, plead with all your might that your hearer just stop being stubborn and accept your claims. But unless the wisdom of God is operative in the heart of the hearer, you are preaching to a walking corpse that cannot hear, see, or respond to spiritual things (1 Cor. 2:14). But to the called your message is the wisdom of God unto eternal life, for they hear and believe to the saving of the soul (1 Jn. 5:1). And when their lips confess Christ and the fruit of repentance is manifest in their lives, discerning saints understand it was not their reasoned debating skills in presenting Jesus Christ, nor the openness of the hearer that were responsible for new birth, but it was the wisdom of God revealed through the power of the Gospel, bring forth life, calling forth those whom the Father has given to His Son (Jn 5:21).
Copyright © 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).
Friday, December 13, 2013
When the Struggle is Over
J.A. Matteson
Pay close attention to your response to providences that strike you as unpleasant or not right, for in them the LORD is revealing more of Himself to you. "...For the ways of the LORD are right, and the righteous will walk in them…." (Hos. 14:9). If He were to inform you of the entirety of His plan for your sanctification it would be overwhelming. What He is after is a placid trust in His ways which are always right, these are the providences He employs as the means to His desired end, your sanctification. Some providences come as a short blast and quickly pass, others being more prolonged, sometimes for days, weeks and years, depending on what the good pleasure of the LORD's will is in them relative to what He is seeking to accomplish in us, and our response to them in how quickly we learn their lessons. In the hands of the potter a lump of clay does not protest when an instrument is used to smooth off rough edges. Neither are pilgrims to pull back in protest when providences cut at the root of sin, self-reliance. Every providence, pleasant and unpleasant, is from the LORD. Forget about the idea of haphazard events impacting your life, that is what the pagans believe. When the unpleasant providence intersects your path the LORD first desires that you understand it is His way to further your sanctification. And coming from that LORD it is right. Maturity occurs when the struggle is over, when knee jerk reactions of doubt, anger, and fear are replaced with trust, joy, and courage. Upon His death sentence Jesus stood quietly entrusting Himself to Him who judges rightly. In prison Paul and Silas entrusted themselves to the LORD, singing joyously. Daniel and his companions entrusted themselves to the LORD knowing that in death or life He would deliver them from the peril confronting them in the fiery furnace. So listen carefully to your hearts response when contrary providences greet you along your way. Wisdom understands that through them the LORD is working out something beautiful in you for your good and His glory.
Copyright © 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).
Pay close attention to your response to providences that strike you as unpleasant or not right, for in them the LORD is revealing more of Himself to you. "...For the ways of the LORD are right, and the righteous will walk in them…." (Hos. 14:9). If He were to inform you of the entirety of His plan for your sanctification it would be overwhelming. What He is after is a placid trust in His ways which are always right, these are the providences He employs as the means to His desired end, your sanctification. Some providences come as a short blast and quickly pass, others being more prolonged, sometimes for days, weeks and years, depending on what the good pleasure of the LORD's will is in them relative to what He is seeking to accomplish in us, and our response to them in how quickly we learn their lessons. In the hands of the potter a lump of clay does not protest when an instrument is used to smooth off rough edges. Neither are pilgrims to pull back in protest when providences cut at the root of sin, self-reliance. Every providence, pleasant and unpleasant, is from the LORD. Forget about the idea of haphazard events impacting your life, that is what the pagans believe. When the unpleasant providence intersects your path the LORD first desires that you understand it is His way to further your sanctification. And coming from that LORD it is right. Maturity occurs when the struggle is over, when knee jerk reactions of doubt, anger, and fear are replaced with trust, joy, and courage. Upon His death sentence Jesus stood quietly entrusting Himself to Him who judges rightly. In prison Paul and Silas entrusted themselves to the LORD, singing joyously. Daniel and his companions entrusted themselves to the LORD knowing that in death or life He would deliver them from the peril confronting them in the fiery furnace. So listen carefully to your hearts response when contrary providences greet you along your way. Wisdom understands that through them the LORD is working out something beautiful in you for your good and His glory.
Copyright © 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Ministry by Rote
J.A. Matteson
As a pilgrims journey progresses he is met with providences engineered to further sanctification. The pathway becomes difficult, emotional wounds received by others may become cumulative if not delt with, being internalized rather than laid at the foot of the cross. The failure to behold the mercy of God in them hardens the soul, giving root to spiritual cynicism where former ministerial delights become mere acts of religious obligation. "...I know your deeds, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead " (Rev. 3:1). Watch out for subtle changes in attitude and motives. Closely evaluate the inner chambers of your thought life. It is quite possible to continue on in ministry by rote long after the delights of ministry have died. The LORD sees it first because He knows your heart and cannot be deceived. You notice it second when the grace of God alerts you to it. The last to see it, if at all, are those around you. Take an inventory of your motives of ministry before the LORD. Ask Him if it is love for your neighbor or cold duty that compels you in your deeds of ministry. Then be prepared to make adjustments immediately to whatever the LORD reveals to you. A fresh vitality and zest will return to you as you continue along your journey.
Copyright © 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).
As a pilgrims journey progresses he is met with providences engineered to further sanctification. The pathway becomes difficult, emotional wounds received by others may become cumulative if not delt with, being internalized rather than laid at the foot of the cross. The failure to behold the mercy of God in them hardens the soul, giving root to spiritual cynicism where former ministerial delights become mere acts of religious obligation. "...I know your deeds, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead " (Rev. 3:1). Watch out for subtle changes in attitude and motives. Closely evaluate the inner chambers of your thought life. It is quite possible to continue on in ministry by rote long after the delights of ministry have died. The LORD sees it first because He knows your heart and cannot be deceived. You notice it second when the grace of God alerts you to it. The last to see it, if at all, are those around you. Take an inventory of your motives of ministry before the LORD. Ask Him if it is love for your neighbor or cold duty that compels you in your deeds of ministry. Then be prepared to make adjustments immediately to whatever the LORD reveals to you. A fresh vitality and zest will return to you as you continue along your journey.
Copyright © 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
The Dew is Off the Rose
J.A. Matteson
Nearly imperceptible is the cooling of passion, until some jarring event occurs, awakening the soul to its poverty. "...I have this against you, that you have left your first love. (Rev. 2:4). Recall the former days filled with eager wonder and excitement. No call to service was extreme and no amount of personal study, teaching and preaching could completely satisfy the hunger and thirst for more. Of high priority was the fellowship of the saints, their exhortation and encouragement persistently sought. But the dew is off the rose and the former passions have yielded to a mundane routine devoid of fire and enthusiasm. Battles have been fought and won, deeper and deeper faith has extended downward, its roots are strong and firmly established. Yet something is amiss, exuberant passion has ebbed, and the joy that captivated your heart has faded. Memory is a gift of God and serves many purposes. An honest accounting of what was and what is can redirect the hearts of saints to the former things of devotion. Love experienced finds expression. Blow upon the embers, stoke the coals of yearning, place dry wood upon the fire of sanctification. The path is familiar, retrace the steps, engage in the former things that enraptured your heart for the Lover of your soul. Forsake all others, return to Him in jubilant abandon and the former things will be fresh, new, and absolutely delightful.
Copyright © 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).
Nearly imperceptible is the cooling of passion, until some jarring event occurs, awakening the soul to its poverty. "...I have this against you, that you have left your first love. (Rev. 2:4). Recall the former days filled with eager wonder and excitement. No call to service was extreme and no amount of personal study, teaching and preaching could completely satisfy the hunger and thirst for more. Of high priority was the fellowship of the saints, their exhortation and encouragement persistently sought. But the dew is off the rose and the former passions have yielded to a mundane routine devoid of fire and enthusiasm. Battles have been fought and won, deeper and deeper faith has extended downward, its roots are strong and firmly established. Yet something is amiss, exuberant passion has ebbed, and the joy that captivated your heart has faded. Memory is a gift of God and serves many purposes. An honest accounting of what was and what is can redirect the hearts of saints to the former things of devotion. Love experienced finds expression. Blow upon the embers, stoke the coals of yearning, place dry wood upon the fire of sanctification. The path is familiar, retrace the steps, engage in the former things that enraptured your heart for the Lover of your soul. Forsake all others, return to Him in jubilant abandon and the former things will be fresh, new, and absolutely delightful.
Copyright © 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).
Saturday, December 7, 2013
The Superlative Petition
J.A. Matteson
Endless are the prayers and petitions saints might pose to the Father during their lifetime. The superlative petition is that they may be fully conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. "This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us" (1 Jn. 5:14). All other spiritual concerns are enveloped within our sanctification, being made Christlike in intent, thought, and action; this is God's explicit will for His children (1 Thess. 4:3). Upon making this petition every providence is understood as the LORD's means to further our request according to His will. What joy and sense of anticipation is the daily experience of saints so walking in the Spirit. Jesus Christ was so in tune with His Father that all that He thought and did was in perfect harmony with the will of His Father. Never did He speak a word or perform for an action contrary to the will of His Father. In the sanctification process the LORD will increasingly transform your motives, thoughts, and actions to reflect His will. And to the extend He conforms you to the image of His Son, instinctively you will increasingly be making prayers and petitions that are Christo-centric rather than ego-centric. And God is faithful along this line to finish in you that which He has begun (Phil. 1:6).
Copyright © 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).
Endless are the prayers and petitions saints might pose to the Father during their lifetime. The superlative petition is that they may be fully conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. "This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us" (1 Jn. 5:14). All other spiritual concerns are enveloped within our sanctification, being made Christlike in intent, thought, and action; this is God's explicit will for His children (1 Thess. 4:3). Upon making this petition every providence is understood as the LORD's means to further our request according to His will. What joy and sense of anticipation is the daily experience of saints so walking in the Spirit. Jesus Christ was so in tune with His Father that all that He thought and did was in perfect harmony with the will of His Father. Never did He speak a word or perform for an action contrary to the will of His Father. In the sanctification process the LORD will increasingly transform your motives, thoughts, and actions to reflect His will. And to the extend He conforms you to the image of His Son, instinctively you will increasingly be making prayers and petitions that are Christo-centric rather than ego-centric. And God is faithful along this line to finish in you that which He has begun (Phil. 1:6).
Copyright © 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Principle of Conscience
J.A. Matteson
Growth in sanctification requires that our mind be engaged with our spirit. "But Daniel made up his mind that he would not defile himself..." (Dan. 1:8). How easy it is to consider ourselves spiritual in the sense of advancing in grace and yet repeatedly fall into a pit when temptation arrives. Providence tested Daniel and he saw the kings choice food and wine for what they were, direct violations of conscience. Daniel lived by the principle of conscience, and that is a volitional habit. We can congratulate ourselves in faithfully advancing in our knowledge of Christ and His kingdom, but how about the application of the truth we confess? At some point reality demands that we translate the theoretical into the practical; that is, sanctification requires us to make up our mind to respond to a particular providence in a manner consistent with conscience . As a single man how will you respond when providence puts before you a desirable woman ready, willing, and able to share her intimate affections with you? Have you made up your mind? Consider Joseph who when seduced by Potiphar's wife fled (Gen. 39:1-20). When providence threatens reprisal over your witness to Christ how will you respond, have you made up your mind? Consider Peter's course of action as he applied the principle of conscience while threatened to refrain from preaching Christ (Acts 5:28-30). Living by the principle of conscience, engaging the mind with the spirit, is fundimental to spiritual growth in grace.
Copyright © 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever." Isa.40:8).
Growth in sanctification requires that our mind be engaged with our spirit. "But Daniel made up his mind that he would not defile himself..." (Dan. 1:8). How easy it is to consider ourselves spiritual in the sense of advancing in grace and yet repeatedly fall into a pit when temptation arrives. Providence tested Daniel and he saw the kings choice food and wine for what they were, direct violations of conscience. Daniel lived by the principle of conscience, and that is a volitional habit. We can congratulate ourselves in faithfully advancing in our knowledge of Christ and His kingdom, but how about the application of the truth we confess? At some point reality demands that we translate the theoretical into the practical; that is, sanctification requires us to make up our mind to respond to a particular providence in a manner consistent with conscience . As a single man how will you respond when providence puts before you a desirable woman ready, willing, and able to share her intimate affections with you? Have you made up your mind? Consider Joseph who when seduced by Potiphar's wife fled (Gen. 39:1-20). When providence threatens reprisal over your witness to Christ how will you respond, have you made up your mind? Consider Peter's course of action as he applied the principle of conscience while threatened to refrain from preaching Christ (Acts 5:28-30). Living by the principle of conscience, engaging the mind with the spirit, is fundimental to spiritual growth in grace.
Copyright © 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever." Isa.40:8).
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Fidelity to the Cross
J.A. Matteson
In order to maintain fidelity to the cross of Jesus Christ we are well served to note what it is the world hates about Him. "Do not be surprised, brethren, if the world hates you" (1Jn. 3:13). Certainly it is not good deeds to our neighbor that the world objects to, and the saints are called to love their neighbor. Rather, it is the exclusivity of Jesus Christ that the world hates. It is His claim to be the way, the truth, and the life. It is the church's adherence to and proclamation of the Bible as the inspired, inerrant, and authoritative word of God that the world hates, and with all the force of hell it battles to extinguish. The desire to be accepted and liked is a part of our human nature. So many churches have strayed from the truth, calculating that if they can get the world to like them they will want to be like them, Christian. They then set out to reach their community by means of a social gospel of good works and intentionally water down or omit hard exegetical preaching and teaching, not wanting to offend. But the message of the cross is offensive! The result too often are pews filled with unregenerate souls, many of whom have been baptized and hold church membership. The words of Christ strike a hard blow of indictment at the delusional seeker sensitive church growth model, when Christ returns will He find faith upon the earth? (Lk. 18:8). Pursuing a social gospel is no gospel at all, it does not save. The power of the cross, expounded through the preaching of the word is God's means of conversion (Heb. 4:12). To deny the cross in exchange for a social gospel is to deny the faith, as it infers God is a liar, and that is dangerous territory. Purpose to be pleasing to God by adhering to the cross of Christ, expect opposition by the world. It is eternally better to be pleasing to God than to be a friend of the world.
Copyright © 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).
In order to maintain fidelity to the cross of Jesus Christ we are well served to note what it is the world hates about Him. "Do not be surprised, brethren, if the world hates you" (1Jn. 3:13). Certainly it is not good deeds to our neighbor that the world objects to, and the saints are called to love their neighbor. Rather, it is the exclusivity of Jesus Christ that the world hates. It is His claim to be the way, the truth, and the life. It is the church's adherence to and proclamation of the Bible as the inspired, inerrant, and authoritative word of God that the world hates, and with all the force of hell it battles to extinguish. The desire to be accepted and liked is a part of our human nature. So many churches have strayed from the truth, calculating that if they can get the world to like them they will want to be like them, Christian. They then set out to reach their community by means of a social gospel of good works and intentionally water down or omit hard exegetical preaching and teaching, not wanting to offend. But the message of the cross is offensive! The result too often are pews filled with unregenerate souls, many of whom have been baptized and hold church membership. The words of Christ strike a hard blow of indictment at the delusional seeker sensitive church growth model, when Christ returns will He find faith upon the earth? (Lk. 18:8). Pursuing a social gospel is no gospel at all, it does not save. The power of the cross, expounded through the preaching of the word is God's means of conversion (Heb. 4:12). To deny the cross in exchange for a social gospel is to deny the faith, as it infers God is a liar, and that is dangerous territory. Purpose to be pleasing to God by adhering to the cross of Christ, expect opposition by the world. It is eternally better to be pleasing to God than to be a friend of the world.
Copyright © 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
The Life Manifested
J.A. Matteson
Too often saints feel burdened to be omniscient theologians when conversing with lost souls about Jesus Christ. Fear of rejection often restrains them from obedience to the Great Commission. This is Satan's preferred line of attack, to strike at the heart of our sin nature, pride. "...and the life was manifested...." (1 Jn. 1:3). Remember the simplicity of the Commission, God is not seeking theologians but obedient children who merely share their personal life changing encounter with the Life manifested to them. It is your testimony and no one can deny it any more than they can deny how you may feel about a rainy day or ham and eggs. The Samaritan woman at the well hurried to town to share her life changing encounter with the Life manifested (Jn. 4:28). Phillip shared his transformational encounter with Christ to Nathanael, imploring him to check out his story for himself, leading him to see Jesus (Jn. 1:45-47). The eternal Life was physically manifested in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. Now the Life is manifested by His Spirit. Those with ears to hear respond with gladness to His appearing to them. As the old hymn declares, "He touched me, yes He touched me, and oh the joy that floods my soul; something happened and now I know, He touched me and made me whole." That is the age old testimony of the saints. The Life was manifested to you, He touched you, and you have not been the same. The realization of the simplicity of the Great Commission unleashes joy in the shadow of the love of Christ, and His perfect love casts out all fear.
Copyright © 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).
Too often saints feel burdened to be omniscient theologians when conversing with lost souls about Jesus Christ. Fear of rejection often restrains them from obedience to the Great Commission. This is Satan's preferred line of attack, to strike at the heart of our sin nature, pride. "...and the life was manifested...." (1 Jn. 1:3). Remember the simplicity of the Commission, God is not seeking theologians but obedient children who merely share their personal life changing encounter with the Life manifested to them. It is your testimony and no one can deny it any more than they can deny how you may feel about a rainy day or ham and eggs. The Samaritan woman at the well hurried to town to share her life changing encounter with the Life manifested (Jn. 4:28). Phillip shared his transformational encounter with Christ to Nathanael, imploring him to check out his story for himself, leading him to see Jesus (Jn. 1:45-47). The eternal Life was physically manifested in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. Now the Life is manifested by His Spirit. Those with ears to hear respond with gladness to His appearing to them. As the old hymn declares, "He touched me, yes He touched me, and oh the joy that floods my soul; something happened and now I know, He touched me and made me whole." That is the age old testimony of the saints. The Life was manifested to you, He touched you, and you have not been the same. The realization of the simplicity of the Great Commission unleashes joy in the shadow of the love of Christ, and His perfect love casts out all fear.
Copyright © 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).
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