J.A. Matteson
To utter "Peace on earth" each December with the intent of the cessation of hostility among people and nations is naive and misdirected. "This One will be our peace...." (Micah 5:5). We instinctively survey the landscape of human experience in sin, its misery, strife, war, injustice, and rightfully long for a renewed order. The world is not at peace because it is at war with its Maker. Only in Jesus Christ is there true peace. Men cannot be at peace with each other unless they are first at peace with God through Jesus Christ. As saints we can hype ourselves up every December, singing songs of peace on earth and engage in all manner of charitable good deeds for those in need. But the glimmer does not last, the songs quickly fade, and once again the dire vexing misery of humanity returns. Our calling as saints is to perpetually direct those around us to the Prince of Peace, wherein they may find true and lasting peace. But until Jesus Christ returns to firmly and conclusively establish His kingdom on earth, making His enemies His footstool, the age old spiritual enmity between Isaac and Ishmael will continue. The earth will not know peace, but the heirs of the King of kings will walk in peace with Him who ransomed them from the wrath to come. In the present order peace on earth is extended to those with whom the LORD is well pleased, to those who have placed their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to save them from their sin. Until He comes the world will continue in strife and misery, yet during that time the saints of God are filled with joy, love, faith, and peace, for these qualities resonate within them as a result of the gift given to them, His Spirit.
Copyright © 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).