J.A. Matteson
In order to maintain fidelity to the cross of Jesus Christ we are well served to note what it is the world hates about Him. "Do not be surprised, brethren, if the world hates you" (1Jn. 3:13). Certainly it is not good deeds to our neighbor that the world objects to, and the saints are called to love their neighbor. Rather, it is the exclusivity of Jesus Christ that the world hates. It is His claim to be the way, the truth, and the life. It is the church's adherence to and proclamation of the Bible as the inspired, inerrant, and authoritative word of God that the world hates, and with all the force of hell it battles to extinguish. The desire to be accepted and liked is a part of our human nature. So many churches have strayed from the truth, calculating that if they can get the world to like them they will want to be like them, Christian. They then set out to reach their community by means of a social gospel of good works and intentionally water down or omit hard exegetical preaching and teaching, not wanting to offend. But the message of the cross is offensive! The result too often are pews filled with unregenerate souls, many of whom have been baptized and hold church membership. The words of Christ strike a hard blow of indictment at the delusional seeker sensitive church growth model, when Christ returns will He find faith upon the earth? (Lk. 18:8). Pursuing a social gospel is no gospel at all, it does not save. The power of the cross, expounded through the preaching of the word is God's means of conversion (Heb. 4:12). To deny the cross in exchange for a social gospel is to deny the faith, as it infers God is a liar, and that is dangerous territory. Purpose to be pleasing to God by adhering to the cross of Christ, expect opposition by the world. It is eternally better to be pleasing to God than to be a friend of the world.
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