Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Dew is Off the Rose

J.A. Matteson

Nearly imperceptible is the cooling of passion, until some jarring event occurs, awakening the soul to its poverty. "...I have this against you, that you have left your first love. (Rev. 2:4). Recall the former days filled with eager wonder and excitement. No call to service was extreme and no amount of personal study, teaching and preaching could completely satisfy the hunger and thirst for more. Of high priority was the fellowship of the saints, their exhortation and encouragement persistently sought. But the dew is off the rose and the former passions have yielded to a mundane routine devoid of fire and enthusiasm. Battles have been fought and won, deeper and deeper faith has extended downward, its roots are strong and firmly established. Yet something is amiss, exuberant passion has ebbed, and the joy that captivated your heart has faded. Memory is a gift of God and serves many purposes. An honest accounting of what was and what is can redirect the hearts of saints to the former things of devotion. Love experienced finds expression. Blow upon the embers, stoke the coals of yearning, place dry wood upon the fire of sanctification. The path is familiar, retrace the steps, engage in the former things that enraptured your heart for the Lover of your soul. Forsake all others, return to Him in jubilant abandon and the former things will be fresh, new, and absolutely delightful.

Copyright © 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).