J.A. Matteson
Growth in sanctification requires that our mind be engaged with our spirit. "But Daniel made up his mind that he would not defile himself..." (Dan. 1:8). How easy it is to consider ourselves spiritual in the sense of advancing in grace and yet repeatedly fall into a pit when temptation arrives. Providence tested Daniel and he saw the kings choice food and wine for what they were, direct violations of conscience. Daniel lived by the principle of conscience, and that is a volitional habit. We can congratulate ourselves in faithfully advancing in our knowledge of Christ and His kingdom, but how about the application of the truth we confess? At some point reality demands that we translate the theoretical into the practical; that is, sanctification requires us to make up our mind to respond to a particular providence in a manner consistent with conscience . As a single man how will you respond when providence puts before you a desirable woman ready, willing, and able to share her intimate affections with you? Have you made up your mind? Consider Joseph who when seduced by Potiphar's wife fled (Gen. 39:1-20). When providence threatens reprisal over your witness to Christ how will you respond, have you made up your mind? Consider Peter's course of action as he applied the principle of conscience while threatened to refrain from preaching Christ (Acts 5:28-30). Living by the principle of conscience, engaging the mind with the spirit, is fundimental to spiritual growth in grace.
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