Sunday, December 22, 2013

Singularly Devoted

J.A. Matteson

God is continually speaking, but am I listening? Do I even care to listen, or am I satisfied to hear alone, not accepting His word by applying that which He speaks? "Hear now what the LORD is saying..." (Micah 6:1). Israel's stubbornness in the sin of idolatry had been repeatedly denounced by the prophets, the people heard the LORD's warning, but they did not listen and so corrective judgement visited them. The Spirits aim is to confront our will, unearthing for our observation and consideration persistent pockets of rebellion to His revealed will. The benevolence of the LORD is persistent in breaking through to our conscience level until justifications cease, endless explanations expire, and we humbly agree with God about that which He is speaking to us. As long as we persist in justification we are not prepared to listen, sin remains our master and in time we reap that which we sew. But you were not redeemed by the precious blood of Christ to be a walking contradiction, Jesus Christ is your Master, you have died to sin, you have been crucified with Christ and are now seated with Him in heavenly places. To be singularly devoted to Christ is joy and peace, to be double minded is sorrow, mental confusion, and spiritual atrophy. Hear and listen to what the Spirit is saying, make it your aim to walk by faith, applying His word regardless of perceived dangers for doing so. He will never abandon His children, to trust and obey is the gateway to genuine contentment and joy along your pilgrims journey.

Copyright © 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8).