Thursday, February 13, 2014

Following Jesus Closely

J.A. Matteson

Can a branch abide in the vine remotely? Is it possible for grapes to grow detached from the vine? Are the words spoken by another heard best at a distance or in close proximity? "But Peter was following Him at distance...." (Matt. 26:58). When Jesus invites us to follow Him, He expects us to remain with Him, come what may (Jn. 6:67). How easy it is to follow Him closely, to openly associate with Jesus when our present company speaks well of Him (Matt. 21:9). It is quite different when we find ourselves in the company of those who are opposed to Christ, openly decrying His holy name (Acts. 8:1). In that setting do we seek to hide our identity in Christ in order to avoid persecution, to be accepted in the company of the group? In a moment of weakness Peter feared the disapproval of men more than the displeasure of God. We can all identify with Peter at some level. Fortunately the grace of God is astounding, and through the gift of repentance God gently restores us to fellowship, abiding, following Jesus closely. Difficult moments will come again, testing your allegiance to Christ. The surest way to follow Jesus close at the time of testing is to daily beseech the Lord to enable you to stand when the occasion arrives. And He who called you is faithful to strengthen you, to the praise of His glorious name (Jude 1:24-25).

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